Documentation hub for the Earth System models, ACCESS, and their community
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This repository is the implementation of the ACCESS-Hive website accessible at the following URL:

ACCESS-Hive is the documentation hub for the Earth System models, ACCESS, and their community.

How to Contribute

If you wish to add documentation to the ACCESS-Hive website check the contribution guide for instructions.

Styling guidelines for developers

The ACCESS-Hive website is built using Material for MkDocs. For detailed information on markdown syntax and different features, please refer to mkdocs-material documentation.

Please follow the guidelines below to make the Hive consistent among all the pages contributed by different people.

Styling Markdown using CSS

Attribute lists

To style Markdown using custom CSS, you can use attribute lists by adding the desired CSS style (in-line or adding classes as defined in the access-nri.css file) inside curly brackets (starting with a colon) right after the markdown syntax.

For example, to make an image 50%-wide and with rounded borders, you can write the following:

![image text](/image/url/){: style="width: 50%; border-radius: 0.6rem;" }

Markdown in HTML

You can use Markdown in HTML by adding the markdown attribute inside an HTML tag.
You can then style the HTML tag using CSS (in-line or adding selectors to the access-nri.css file).

For example, to render a markdown section with half font-size, you can write the following:

<div markdown style="font-size: 0.5em;">
### Section with half font-size (This will appear in the table of content)

- First _bullet_ point
- Second bullet **point**

Custom HTML tags

Some custom HTML tags were created (in the js/custom-tags.js file) to facilitate the rendering of some components.
The following custom tags are available:

HTML/Markdown Cheatsheet for the Hive

Style Markdown Syntax HTML Syntax Rendered example
Bold **bold** \bold\ bold
Italic _italic_ \italic\ italic
Code line `code line` \code line\ code line
Code block ```
 code block

 \code block\
code block
Admonition (not collapsible) !!! warning
 this is a warning admonition

 this is a warning
warning admonition
Collapsible Admonition ??? warning title
 this is a collapsible warning admonition


   this is a collapsible
   warning admonition


collapsible warning admonition
Tabs N/A \




  Content for tab1


  Content for tab2



The ACCESS-Hive site is covered by the CC-BY 4.0 license.

However, the material linked to from ACCESS-Hive is covered by various licensing agreements. Our users should directly refer to the terms and conditions of any material they are using to understand their rights and responsibilities.