ADN-DevTech / 3dsMax-Python-HowTos

3ds Max python samples
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3ds Max Python How Tos

Practical Python 3 Development Examples For 3ds Max


This repo contains various Python programming examples and tutorials targeting 3ds Max.

All the examples in the tutorials are implemented as pip packages. This is a bit heavy for small things (we provide a, a LICENSE and everything) but makes things installable and shareable more easily. As soon as something has dependencies on external packages or requires more than one Python file, pip packages become very convenient. Because we think it is a good practice to package 3ds Max Python tools with pip, we provide all our examples in this form.


It is not necessary to install the HowTos: the repo can simply be used as a passive directory of samples and documentation for Python developers.

Python How Tos

New content


The samples below are translations of MAXScript How Tos that can be found in the 3ds Max online documentation.

The conversion from MaxScript to Python could have been more mechanical but we chose to implement the Python version in the best Python way known to us. An example of this is that we use PySide (Qt) for the UI as much as possible instead of using more traditional 3ds Max ui mechanisms.

How To?

Python Examples that don't come from maxscript howtos

Python Samples

Python samples can be found in src/samples. These samples may already be in your 3ds Max installation directories.

3dsMax startup entry point

pystartup provides the maxscript code that, when copied to 3ds Max's startup directory, will automatically launch pip packages with the 3dsMax startup entry point.


The following packages are not really examples but Python tools.

Extra Goodies