ADNTNU / quiz_app

Assignment 1 in IDATA2503
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Flutter image Dart image


This project is a group assignment for NTNU course IDATA2503, where we are to build an Quiz App for mobile. We will heavily follow a udemy course and add our own features on top of that.

The app

The app is built using flutter and dart and tested on emulated IOS and android phones. It is a simple Quiz app where we hard-code in questions and the first answer in the list is the correct one. The user lands on a start screen where they can choose to start the quiz. Then we display a text with posible answers and let the user select one before we change to new questions. After every question is answered a results page will be shown to the user so that they can see what they answerd and if it was correct.

User stories

User story 1

As a user, I want to be able to start a new quiz, so that I can answer a set of questions.

Acceptance Criteria:

User story 2

As a user, I want to be able to select an answer for each question, so that I can participate in the quiz.

Acceptance Criteria:

User story 3

As a user, I want to see how many questions I have answered and how many are left, so that I know my progress through the quiz.

Acceptance Criteria:

Files and Folder structure


All the components for the app is stored in a components folder. With components we mean UI split up into smaller pieces that can be reused in the application.


The data folder contains all the data used in the app. In this project, the only data is the questions used in the app.


The models folder contains all the data models in the app. The only model we use in this app is for the questions.


The pages folder contains all the pages of the application as well as a file 'pages' that contains an enum with all valid page routes.


The states folder contains all the states used by the app. In this app we only use one state for the Quiz.

Main (file)

The main file contains code to start the app and set up the different page routes.

App architecture

Our architecture consist of stateful and stateless classes that display widgets to the UI and fetch questions from a data.dart file. In the UI-layer we use Widgets to display the start, questions and end screen for the user. The state managment holds infromation about the users answers, which screen they are on etc. The data layer holds information about the questions and correct answers.


Specifications of this app is that is works on both IOS and Androind.

The user should be able to start the quiz, answer the questions and get the result at the end.

Class Diagram

We are using mermaid to display the Class Diagram in this Github repo, and dcdg to create the diagram. This will be updated in the future when the extra feature is added.

class QuizQuestion
QuizQuestion : +text String
QuizQuestion : +answers List~String~
QuizQuestion : +getShuffledAnswers() List<String>

class MyApp
MyApp : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- MyApp

class PageWrapper
PageWrapper : +child Widget
PageWrapper o-- Widget
PageWrapper : +title String
PageWrapper : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- PageWrapper

class AnswerButton
AnswerButton : +answerText String
AnswerButton : +onTap void Function
AnswerButton o-- void Function
AnswerButton : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- AnswerButton

class QuestionIdentifier
QuestionIdentifier : +isCorrectAnswer bool
QuestionIdentifier : +questionIndex int
QuestionIdentifier : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- QuestionIdentifier

class QuestionsSummary
QuestionsSummary : +summaryData List~Map~String, dynamic~~
QuestionsSummary : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- QuestionsSummary

class SummaryItem
SummaryItem : +itemData Map~String, dynamic~
SummaryItem : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- SummaryItem

class QuizState
QuizState : -_answers Map~int, String~
QuizState : -_questions List~QuizQuestion~
QuizState : -_currentQuestionIndex int
QuizState : -_isFinished bool
QuizState : +answers Map~int, String~
QuizState : +questions List~QuizQuestion~
QuizState : +currentQuestion QuizQuestion
QuizState o-- QuizQuestion
QuizState : +currentQuestionIndex int
QuizState : +isFinished bool
QuizState : +answerQuestion() void
QuizState : +reset() void
QuizState : +nextQuestion() void
QuizState : +previousQuestion() void
ChangeNotifier <|-- QuizState

class QuestionsPage
QuestionsPage : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- QuestionsPage

class PageRoutes
<<enumeration>> PageRoutes
PageRoutes : +index int
PageRoutes : +values$ List~PageRoutes~
PageRoutes : +home$ PageRoutes
PageRoutes o-- PageRoutes
PageRoutes : +questions$ PageRoutes
PageRoutes o-- PageRoutes
PageRoutes : +results$ PageRoutes
PageRoutes o-- PageRoutes
Enum <|.. PageRoutes

class HomePage
HomePage : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- HomePage

class ResultsPage
ResultsPage : +build() Widget
StatelessWidget <|-- ResultsPage

How to run this project


First off all you need to have flutter setup on you computer, if you dont follow this tutorial.

Clone the project

You first need to clone the project, or download it: Clone github repo

Open the project

After you have cloned the repository you need to open it in you editor of choice, we use vscode: vscode repository

Select a emulator

Then you need to select an emulator for you project, we assume that you already have one ready after following the flutter documentation: Select Simulator vscode

Refresh flutter

After selecting an simulator you need might need to clean and run flutter in the root folder to get all the necessary packages:

# Root folder in this example is the one you cloned called quiz_app.
flutter clean
flutter run

Run the app

And finally run the code in the main.dart file: vscode run main

How we worked as a group

Anders was quite busy when we first got the assignment so we agreed that Daniel should start coding from the course on Udemy. Daniel started coding most of the app and we kept contact on Discord on how it was progressing. Some of the communication happend by text and some by voice call. When Anders had time to work on the assignment, he started working on adding a single state for the entire quiz and better navigation.

After that we both had a good understanding of how the app was structured and set up so then we started discussing what improvements we could add. We decided to add a simple display to show the current question and total number of questions. We also added buttons to navigate back through already answered questions and a button to go back to the home screen.

When we were both happy with the app we discussed what to write in our documentation and then wrote it together while talking on Discord.