ADVRHumanoids / modularbots_fraunhofer

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This repository contains a few instances of ModularBot models, which replicate the output of our automatic discovery tool as applied to the corresponding ModularBot topologies.

Running the simulation

Given a particular configuration of choice (say ModularBot_6DOF), the simulation environment is executed as follows:

Running the hardware

On the real robot, the following steps must be followed:

To connect to the robot with uncontrolled motors (read-only mode), change the --hw flag to --hw ec_idle. Note that this will stop the motors if needed.

Monitoring & playing with joint sliders

More on joint space control can be found at our examples repository.

Cartesian control

Run CartesIO after making sure that the ros_ctrl plugin is active:

mon launch ModularBot_6DOF ModularBot_cartesio_IK.launch

Then, use RViz interactive markers or the Python/C++ API to send references to CartesIO's ROS API (see the tuturial).