ADoebeling / RP2-Framework

The RPF provides a ide-compatible PHP interface to the DomainFactory RP²-API for developers and collects a bunch of ready-to-use extensions for admins and customers. The system is modularly structured and can be extended easily.
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RPF - The DomainFactory RP²-Framework

The RPF provides a ide-compatible PHP interface to the DomainFactory RP²-API for developers and collects a bunch of ready-to-use extensions for admins and customers. The system is modularly structured and can be extended easily.


Installation of RPF-Extensions


For developers it is quite easy to use the API. You need to export all domains from OrderId XY with nameserver settings?

That's easy!

require_once '../bootstrap.php';                // Include the framework
$rpf = new \rpf\system\rpf();                   // Instantiate the framework

    ->getApi()                                  // Load the API
    ->getDomainReadEntry()                      // Load the API-module domainReadEntry (bbDomain::readEntry)
    ->setOeid('ZY')                             // Optional: Get domains by hidden rp2-order-id
    ->addNameserver()                           // Optional: Add dns-records
    ->get();                                    // Return result as array, primary-key set to domain

You don't want to config sensitive data like api-user, api-password, ...? Neither do I! The api-user and api-password can be requested by http-auth:

    ->getApi()                                  // Load the api
    ->getUser()                                 // Load the user-module
    ->httpAuth();                               // Send http-auth if you need to authenticate first

Using the RPF-API


Namespaces = File-structure

The namespaces represent the file-structure


Support? FR/Bug? Extension-Request?

I'd be happy to hear from you! Please send me your feature request or bug report as GitHub Issue. If you don't have a GitHub Account please post into the DF Forum. If you need paid support contact me on or give me a call: +49 9131 506770 and ask for Andreas Döbeling.


Author: Andreas Döbeling
Copyright: 1601.production siegler&thümmler ohg
License: cc-by-sa