AEFeinstein / mtg-familiar

An Android app for all things Magic: The Gathering
279 stars 72 forks source link
android-app magic-the-gathering

MTG Familiar

MTG Familiar is an Android app which has a suite of tools to play Magic: The Gathering


How To Build


How to Update the Internal Database

  1. Launch an Android Emulator
  2. Run MTG Familiar on said Emulator
  3. Force Update the database in Familiar running in the emulator
  4. Run the following script to pull off and compress the database
    rm data datagz
    adb root
    adb pull /data/data/com.gelakinetic.mtgfam/databases/data
    adb pull /data/data/com.gelakinetic.mtgfam.debug/databases/data
    gzip -c -f --best data > datagz
  5. Copy datagz into the /mobile/src/main/res/raw directory
  6. Increment DATABASE_VERSION in /mobile/src/main/java/com/gelakinetic/mtgfam/helpers/database/
  7. Rename and copy any new Magic Tournament Rules, Infraction Procedure Guide, or Judging at Regular documents into /mobile/src/main/res/raw. This isn't really the database, but it's nice

Get it

Google Play



Show Support

The app is free, and the source is all here. If you'd like to say thanks and show a little support, here's a button: PayPal.

Become an Official Beta Tester

To receive official beta builds through Google Play, opt-in to the beta program here.