AH2005NA / m5stick-shark

GNU General Public License v3.0
35 stars 3 forks source link


Updated version of M5Stickc-NEMO https://github.com/n0xa/m5stick-nemo.

Firmware for pranks on M5Stack ESP32 Devices


Name and Background

Shark is a Projekt i started at the 29.2.2024 1:12 PM. I saw a tutorial for the M5StickC PLUS2 on youtube and i ordered myself one when i saw that it only costs 30 USD. It arrived two weeks later and i burned the Nemo firmware on it. I wanted to see the code from this firmware and i downloadet the source code at 1:12 PM. I saw a that it is programed with arduino and because of this fact i decided to programm my own version. Thanks to n0xa good programming skills it isnt a big deal to change and add things. Thank you! I decided to call this firmware shark. I gave it this name because i wanted to name it an other fish as reference to Nemo and i choose Shark because it is the easiest fish to get Images generated from AI šŸ˜.

My Changelog

DEV 1.0.6

DEV 1.0.5

DEV 1.0.4

DEV 1.0.3 and older

My ToDo list


User Interface

There are three main controls:

NEMO Portal

In NEMO Portal mode, NEMO activates an open WiFi Hotspot named "Nemo Free WiFi" (configurable in portal.h) with DNS, DHCP and Web servers activated.

Building from Source

If you want to customize NEMO or contribute to the project, you should be familiar with building NEMO from source.

Building from Source (with Arduino CLI)

# Install m5stack boards
arduino-cli core install m5stack:esp32  --additional-urls https://m5stack.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/resource/arduino/package_m5stack_index.json --log-level warn --verbose

# Install required library
arduino-cli lib install M5Cardputer --log-level warn --verbose
arduino-cli lib install IRRemoteESP8266 --log-level warn --verbose

# Compile sketch
arduino-cli compile --fqbn m5stack:esp32:m5stack_cardputer -e --build-property build.partitions=huge_app --build-property upload.maximum_size=3145728 ./m5stick-nemo.ino

esptool.py --chip esp32s3 merge_bin --output final.bin 0x0000 m5stick-nemo.ino.bootloader.bin 0x8000 m5stick-nemo.ino.partitions.bin 0x10000 m5stick-nemo.ino.bin

esptool.exe write_flash -z 0 final.bin

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs via GitHub Issues. These are easier to track than comments on social media posts, M5Burner entries, etc. If something isn't working, please include: