RAGArch is a Streamlit-based application that empowers users to experiment with various components and parameters of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines. Utilizing the power of Llamaindex, RAGArch facilitates the testing of different configurations to see how they perform.
MIT License
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RAGArch: Configure/Test Llamaindex RAG Pipelines and One-click Autogenerate Plug-n-play Code

RAGArch is a Streamlit-based application that empowers users to experiment with various components and parameters of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines. Utilizing the power of Llamaindex, RAGArch facilitates the testing of different configurations to see how they perform. Once satisfied, users can generate the Python code for their custom RAG pipeline configurations, enabling easy integration into their applications.


How to Use

  1. Set Up Your Environment: Ensure you have Python and Streamlit installed. Clone the repository and install the required dependencies.

  2. Launch the Application: Run the app with Streamlit:

    streamlit run
  3. Configure Your Pipeline:

    • Upload your data file.
    • Select your preferred Language Model, Embedding Model, and other pipeline components.
    • Click "Generate RAG Pipeline" to test the pipeline with your data.
  4. Generate Code: After testing, click "Generate Code Snippet" to receive the Python code for your custom configuration.


git clone
cd RAGArch
pip install -r requirements.txt

Tools and Technologies


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For support, please open an issue in the GitHub issue tracker.

Live Demo

Try the demo here!


Developed by Harshad Suryawanshi

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