A tool for fast, secure and effective output checking, which can work in any TRE.
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SACRO Outputs Viewer

A viewer for research outputs produced using the ACRO tools.

It can load the JSON metadata output by the tool, and displays the outputs for an output checker to review. The reviewer can see each file, researcher comments, and as the outcomes of any statistical analysis performed by ACRO tools.

It allow the output checker to approve or reject the outputs, and can generate a zipfile with approved outputs for releasing.



A Windows installer (MSI) is available. The download also includes sample data for testing.

  1. Download the latest installer build.
  2. Unzip the downloaded zipfile.
  3. Open the included sacro 0.1.0.msi file to install.

Admin privileges may be required to install the viewer. When the installation completes, it will run the application.


A Linux installer (deb) is available. The download also includes sample data for testing.

  1. Download the latest installer build.
  2. Unzip the downloaded zipfile.
  3. Install the included sacro_0.1.0_amd64.deb file.


An Apple Disk Image (dmg) file is available. The download also includes sample data for testing.

  1. Download the latest installer build
  2. Unzip the downloaded zipfile
  3. Move the to you Applications folder
  4. Right-mouse click on the Sacro app icon, and then click Open
  5. macOS will warn you that it cannot open the app
  6. Go to macOS Settings -> Security and find where it says

    "" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer.

  7. Select "Open Anyway"


To view outputs, you need to open a directory containing the output files. The viewer will detect if there is ACRO-generated metadata and use that to display the files. If there is no ACRO daa, it will generate some, adding each file in the directory as a "custom" ACRO output.

(If you don't have any outputs to hand, you can use the test outputs we have included in the downloaded zipfile to get started. Navigate to and select the outputs directory in the zipfile.)

In the appliction, you will see the list of outputs on the left, and can select each one to view it. Each output must be approved or rejected.

Once all outputs have been approved or rejected, complete the release by clicking "Approve and Download". This downloads a zipfile with all approved outputs and metadata describing the release. You can then continue your normal release process.

Developer docs

Please see the additional information.