Use the following command to install the package:
python install
We provide 13 datasets, 5 feature extractors, 5 applications, and 6 data valuation measures for a comprehensive evaluation. The choices supported are listed below.
Datasets mnist, fashionmnist, svhn, cifar, pubfig, tinyimagenet, usps, uci adult
Extractors VGG11, MobileNet, ResNet18, EfficientNet, Inception-V3
Applications Noisy label detection, Watermark removal, Data summarization, Active data acquisition, Domain adaptation
Measures KNN-Shapley, TMC-Shapley, G-Shapley, LOO, KNN-LOO, Random
The customized datasets including injected watermarks as well as other preprocessed datasets used in the code can be found on Google Drive. You are recommended to download the folder Shapley_data
and put it under the root folder (the same as samples.ipynb) for the purpose of testing.
Step 1. Apply a certain extractor to a certain dataset to extract the embeddings, implemented in the form of extract_embeddings(extractor, dataset)
, e.g.
python -m shapley.embedding.extract_embeddings --extractor resnet18 --dataset mnist
Step 2. Use a certain extracted embedding along with a certain measure in a certain application, implemented in the form of
measure = ...
app = ...
See samples.ipynb
for the sample testcases.
Add the PyTorch implementation for KNN-Shapley calculation in shapley/measures/ The PyTorch implementation runs faster than the original NumPy implementation since the operations are paralleled.
One standalone experiment can be found in samples.ipynb.