AIML-July-23-A-Capstone-G1-Team / Capstone-Project

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1. Name the data repos as follows and keep them in the data folder:

/data/stage_2_test_images /data/stage_2_train_images

2. Download and save the data from the following google-drive link:

3. For setting up local dev there are two options:

1. Setup Anaconda locally, import the environment and run jupyter notebook

  1. Download anaconda distribution for your OS from the following link:

  2. Install anaconda by following the instructions for your OS.

For linux run the following commands

chmod a+x
  1. Import the environment by running the following command:
conda env create -n capstone -f environment.yml
  1. Activate the environment by running the following command:
conda activate capstone
  1. Run jupyter notebook by running the following command:
jupyter notebook

2. Use the following docker image and vscode devcontainer:

  1. Install docker from the following link:

  2. Install vscode from the following link:

  3. Install the following extensions in vscode:

    • Remote Development
    • Python
    • Jupyter
    • Any other plugins you like
  4. Open the project in vscode and click on the green icon in the bottom left corner and select Reopen in Container

  5. Run the following command to install the environment in the container:

conda env create -n capstone -f environment.yml
  1. Run the following command to activate the environment in the container:
conda activate capstone