AIRI-Institute / nablaDFT

nablaDFT: Large-Scale Conformational Energy and Hamiltonian Prediction benchmark and dataset
MIT License
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Ask about the issue of units during the training process #43

Open lingcon01 opened 1 week ago

lingcon01 commented 1 week ago

Hello, I would like to ask about energy prediction using SCHNET. According to the results you provided, under the ST split of the tiny dataset, is its MAE 1.17 Hartree or 1.17 * 10^(-2) Hartree? I tried to reproduce the result, and I found that the MAE on the test set is around 0.75, but I am not sure about the unit. Could you clarify this?

BerAnton commented 1 week ago

Hello! Could you please share run config file?

lingcon01 commented 1 week ago


`train: batch_size: 128 seed: 2021 epochs: 500 num_workers: 0 restore_path: null data_path: /home/suqun/data/nablaDFT/energy/tiny/train data_name: train_2k_v2_formation_energy_w_forces save_path: checkpoints/train/md17 log_interval: 10 lr: 0.0002 factor: 0.9 patience: 30 min_lr: 0.000001 energy_weight: 1 force_weight: 0 weight_decay: 1e-16

test: test_interval: 1 test_batch_size: 100 data_path: /home/suqun/data/nablaDFT/energy/tiny/test data_name: test_2k_conformers_v2_formation_energy_w_forces `


loss_energy = loss_l1(pred, label) loss_force = loss_l1(dy, pdy)


for db_row in tqdm(, total=len(db)): z = torch.from_numpy(db_row.numbers.copy()).long() positions = torch.from_numpy(db_row.positions.copy()).float() y = torch.from_numpy(np.array(["energy"])).float() forces = torch.from_numpy(np.array(["forces"])).float() molecule_size = len(positions) samples.append(Data(z=z, pos=positions, y=y, dy=forces, molecule_size=molecule_size))


class SchNet(torch.nn.Module): r""" The re-implementation for SchNet from the"SchNet: A Continuous-filter Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Quantum Interactions" paper under the 3DGN gramework from"Spherical Message Passing for 3D Molecular Graphs"`_ paper.

        energy_and_force (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will predict energy and take the negative of the derivative of the energy with respect to the atomic positions as predicted forces. (default: :obj:`False`)
        num_layers (int, optional): The number of layers. (default: :obj:`6`)
        hidden_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`)
        out_channels (int, optional): Output embedding size. (default: :obj:`1`)
        num_filters (int, optional): The number of filters to use. (default: :obj:`128`)
        num_gaussians (int, optional): The number of gaussians :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`)
        cutoff (float, optional): Cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`10.0`).

def __init__(self, energy_and_force=False, cutoff=10.0, num_layers=6, hidden_channels=128, out_channels=1,
             num_filters=128, num_gaussians=50):
    super(SchNet, self).__init__()

    self.energy_and_force = energy_and_force
    self.cutoff = cutoff
    self.num_layers = num_layers
    self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
    self.out_channels = out_channels
    self.num_filters = num_filters
    self.num_gaussians = num_gaussians

    self.init_v = Embedding(100, hidden_channels)
    self.dist_emb = emb(0.0, cutoff, num_gaussians)

    self.update_vs = torch.nn.ModuleList([update_v(hidden_channels, num_filters) for _ in range(num_layers)])

    self.update_es = torch.nn.ModuleList([
        update_e(hidden_channels, num_filters, num_gaussians, cutoff) for _ in range(num_layers)])

    self.update_u = update_u(hidden_channels, out_channels)


def reset_parameters(self):
    for update_e in self.update_es:
    for update_v in self.update_vs:

def forward(self, batch_data, mean, std):
    z, pos, batch = batch_data.z, batch_data.pos, batch_data.batch
    if self.energy_and_force:

    edge_index = radius_graph(pos, r=self.cutoff, batch=batch)
    row, col = edge_index
    dist = (pos[row] - pos[col]).norm(dim=-1)
    dist_emb = self.dist_emb(dist)

    v = self.init_v(z)

    for update_e, update_v in zip(self.update_es, self.update_vs):
        e = update_e(v, dist, dist_emb, edge_index)
        v = update_v(v, e, edge_index)
    u = self.update_u(v, batch)

    # calculate_forces:
    grad_outputs: List[Optional[torch.Tensor]] = [torch.ones_like(u)]
    forces = -torch.autograd.grad(
        outputs=[u],  # [n_graphs, ]
        inputs=[pos],  # [n_nodes, 3]
        retain_graph=True,  # Make sure the graph is not destroyed during training
        create_graph=True,  # Create graph for second derivative
        allow_unused=True,  # For complete dissociation turn to true
    ]  # [n_nodes, 3]

    return u, forces`
BerAnton commented 1 week ago

First of all, model parameters differs from nablaDFT's SchNet. Also you use conformers test split, not structures (ST).

Preferred way to reproduce results is to use script with desired checkpoint and test data split. Please refer to run configuration README for more details.

If you want to reproduce SchNet trained on tiny data split for structures (ST) test use this command:

python --config schnet_test.yaml


# Global variables
name: SchNet
dataset_name: dataset_test_structures
max_steps: 1000000
job_type: test
pretrained: SchNet_train_tiny # name of pretrained split or 'null'
ckpt_path: null # path to checkpoint for training resume or test run

# Datamodule parameters
root: ./datasets/nablaDFT/${.job_type}
batch_size: 32
num_workers: 8

# Devices
devices: [0]

# configs
  - _self_
  - datamodule: nablaDFT_ase_test.yaml  # dataset config
  - model: schnet.yaml  # model config
  - callbacks: callbacks_spk.yaml  # pl callbacks config
  - loggers: wandb.yaml  # pl loggers config
  - trainer: test.yaml  # trainer config

# need this to set working dir as current dir
  output_subdir: null
    dir: .
original_work_dir: ${hydra:runtime.cwd}

seed: 23
lingcon01 commented 5 days ago

Thanks for your explanation and response, I understand. I have another question to ask. I used PygnablaDFT to read the dataset test_2k_conformers_v2_formation_energy_w_forces_test and saved it into a .pt file. Are the energy values in this dataset in Hartree units?

a = torch.load('') print(a[0].y) tensor([-6.0566, -6.0559, -6.0675, ..., -7.9457, -7.4641, -7.4602])

KuzmaKhrabrov commented 3 days ago

All energy units in energy databases are Hartree units.