AISpaceXDragon / GOT-OCR2.0

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NOTE:(To the reviewer of my work from IIT R)

Web-Based Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Prototype


This web application demonstrates the ability to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on an uploaded image containing text in both Hindi and English. It also implements a basic keyword search functionality based on the extracted text. The prototype is deployed and accessible online via a live URL.


Technology Stack

Tasks Overview

Task 1: Environment Setup and OCR Implementation

  1. Environment Setup:

    • Set up the environment with the required dependencies:
      pip install -r requirements.txt

      If you are running this command before cloning this repository you may get an error. That is first clone this repository and then change your current directory to GOT_OCR2.0 . The commands for which are given below in the Running the Application Locally section step number 1.

  2. OCR Model Implementation:

    • General OCR Theory (GOT), a 580M end-to-end OCR model was used to build this application.

Task 2: Web Application Development

  1. Image Upload:

    • Allow users to upload a single image for OCR.
  2. Text Extraction:

    • Use the chosen OCR model to extract text and display it on the page.
  3. Keyword Search:

    • Implement a basic search feature where users can input a keyword.
    • Highlight the matching text within the extracted content.

Task 3: Deployment

  1. Deploy the Web Application:
    • Deploy the web app using platforms like Hugging Faces, Streamlit Sharing, or any other suitable platform.
    • Ensure it is accessible via a public URL.

Running the Application Locally

To run the application on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd GOT_OCR2.0

2.Run the streamlit app locally

  streamlit run

This command must be run only after executing the "step 1.clone the repository" given above.


This application is deployed on Streamlit Sharing and HuggingFace Spaces.The links for both of them are given below.

1.Link(Streamlit Sharing) - Removed due to some issue,but if you want to access it here is the link -->

2.Link(HuggingFace Spaces) -