Preprint now available at
NOTE: this repo will soon move to the account of the Edinburgh Biomedical AI Lab
The Stator pipeline takes in single cell RNA-seq count matrices, and estimates gene-gene interactions at up to seventh order. Up to fifth-order interactions are then used to find characteristic, multi-type states present in the cell population.
In our research, Stator found cell identities that were invisible to clustering and NMF methods. Stator found sub-phases of the cell cycle, future neuronal fate states, and liver cancer states predictive of patient survival.
The pipeline can be run directly from the command line, both locally or on an HPC cluster. It pulls all code from Github, and the required containers from Dockerhub.
Subsequent analysis can be done with our bespoke Stator Shiny app, available at
Documentation on installation and usage are available here.
A small tutorial/vignette is available here.