Vastukaar App
Vastukaar is an Inventory and Stock Management Solution designed to help businesses manage products in real time, streamline their inventory processes, and enhance operational efficiency. The app provides robust features such as authentication, dashboard access, and a user-friendly interface for managing stock and inventory.
App link
link :
Testing and demo user
Email :
Password : 123456
🚀 Features
User Authentication
- Secure login and registration system using JWT.
- Role-based access to dashboard and features.
Inventory Management
- Real-time inventory and stock control for efficient warehouse operations.
Interactive UI
- A responsive and visually appealing design with React.js and SCSS.
Dynamic Navigation
- Role-specific navigation links (e.g., ShowOnLogin and ShowOnLogout).
Follow these steps to run the project locally:
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Vastukaar_App
Install backend dependencies and start the server:
cd Backend
npm install
npm start
Install frontend dependencies and start the server:
cd ../Frontend
npm install
npm start
Environment Variables:
Create a .env file in the Backend directory.
Add necessary environment variables for :
JWT secret = your secret key
MongoDB URI= your_mongodb_connection_string
PORT = 5000(eg.)
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = your_cloudinary_account_name
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = your_cloudinary_api_key
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = your_cloudinary_api_key
🛠️ Tech Stack
- React.js: Component-based architecture for dynamic and responsive UI.
- SCSS: Advanced styling with modular and reusable CSS.
- Node.js: Backend framework for building scalable APIs.
- Express.js: Server-side framework for API endpoints.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user and inventory data.
Additional Libraries:
- React Router: For seamless navigation and routing between pages.
- React Icons: For modern and customizable icons to enhance UI.
- JWT (JSON Web Token): For secure user authentication and authorization.
- Cloudinary: For handling media storage, file uploads, and image processing.
- Multer: Middleware for handling multipart/form-data for file uploads.
- Axios: For making HTTP requests between the frontend and backend.
- Dotenv: For managing environment variables securely.
- Cors: For enabling cross-origin requests between frontend and backend.
- Bcrypt.js: For password hashing to enhance security.
- Toastify: For showing real-time notifications with improved UI/UX.
- Redux: For state management in React applications.