AKKamath / Competitive-Application

Application in PHP to fetch all upcoming Competitive Programming Competitions across various sites, and display in a formatted manner.
2 stars 5 forks source link


Application to grab details of upcoming competitive coding competitions from their respective websites.

Execution Instructions

Adding More Site

The following steps can be undertaken to scrape data from a custom site:


function scrape_site() { // YOUR CODE HERE }

* Copy the above template into this file
* In scrape_site(), scrape the site into an array of type contest [defined here](models/m_contest.php).
* Each object of the array represents a single competition.
* For error checking, echo "INV"; and exit;
* After gathering details, echo the json_encode($arr);
* Edit websites.json in the root directory, by adding the site name and folder location of the scraper.
* Optionally add a picture of the site logo to the images folder in public.

### Explanation of File Structure ###
* [controllers](controllers) folder contains all the scraping logic.
* [models](models) folder currently only contains [m_contest.php](models/m_contest.php) which contains a class contest describing the details required for a class.
* [public](public) contains the index.php and logos of competitive coding sites.

### TODOs ###
* Change to JavaScript and Ajax, instead of PHP output.
* Implement a way so that all files relating to a single competitive site are gathered together.
* Improve formatting of data
* Implement raw data storage so that user isn't forced to wait while data is gathered.
* Port to Python as a standalone application.

###### Other #####
Credits to:   
Jack Rugile (https://codepen.io/jackrugile/full/EyABe) for the table structure.