AKST / Australian-Address-Boundaries-Land-Property-Price-Database

This is a database of geographic boundaries, addresses as well as land and property data (mostly NSW).
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How can you render zoning using the meshblock shapes when a meshblock contains multiple zones #13

Open AKST opened 1 week ago

AKST commented 1 week ago

While the ABS tries to ensure mesh blocks don't have multiple zones, it's not really a criteria and there are definitely mesh blocks with multiple zones.

To what extent is this a problem?

For the most part it isn't really that big of a problem, a small percentage of mesh blocks have multiple zones in them, but there are over 20000 with 2 and less than 5000 with more than 3.

image image image

I go this data via this

df_zone = pd.read_sql(text("""
    SELECT mb.mb_code, COUNT(DISTINCT p.zone_code) as zones
      FROM abs_main_structures.meshblock mb
      LEFT JOIN gnaf.MB_2021 gmb ON gmb.mb_2021_code = mb.mb_code
      LEFT JOIN gnaf.ADDRESS_MESH_BLOCK_2021 gmb21 ON gmb21.mb_2021_pid = gmb.mb_2021_pid
      LEFT JOIN gnaf.ADDRESS_DETAIL ad ON ad.address_detail_pid = gmb21.address_detail_pid
      INNER JOIN nsw_valuer_general.land_parcel_link lp ON lp.land_parcel_id = ad.legal_parcel_id
       LEFT JOIN nsw_valuer_general.property p ON p.property_id = lp.property_id
    GROUP BY mb.mb_code
   HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT p.zone_code) > 0
    ORDER BY zones DESC
"""), engine)

plt.hist(df_zone['zones'], bins=10)
plt.xlabel('Zones in Meshblock')

Long term soultion

We should probably load planning all property boundaries as shapefiles tbh #8