AKST / Australian-Address-Boundaries-Land-Property-Price-Database

This is a database of geographic boundaries, addresses as well as land and property data (mostly NSW).
MIT License
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Read me


After starting docker, and installing the dependencies, go to the data-ingestion notebook.



Data used


Please respect the respective terms of use of the different dataset provided.

General Structure


Why are there 2 data ingestion notebooks?

I am too lazy to use version control. In fact the main reason why it's in version control is mostly to share what I got with others less so version control, I literally just go git add . && git commit -m 'idk stuff' once a week. Actually prior to making this a repo this was a directory in a larger project with hundreds of other small data projects.

What are the note books starting with pg_

Those are mostly for experimenting, in particular experimenting with data to find how to best ingest it into the database, or figuring out how the general data structure and how to use that data.

What's the implication of the license

It's a standard MIT license, basically I don't care what you do with this code, modify it as you please, use it to make money for yourself, just don't sue me if you misuse and it causes you some kind of harm.

I will have zero claim over any work done with the aid of this project, and I won't be entitled to any shout out or thanks for any assistance this project may offer the user in any of their endevours.

Basically I'm sharing this to make increase access to this kind of information, as I know I personally found it hard to process half the datasets this database consumed.

Why add? Just basic projection from liability.