ALLTERCO / fleet-management

Shelly outbound websocket server
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Fleet Management

Fleet Manager is a standalone software service for controlling and monitoring a fleet of second generation Shelly devices. Fleet Manager exposes a websocket server endpoint on which Shelly Plus and Pro series devices can connect to using their outbound websockets. Once connected they can be fully managed by Fleet Manager. Fleet Manager also exposes a websocket endpoint for clients to connect to. Messages send to Fleet Manager must follow the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. Communication protocols for Fleet Management are described in RPC and Components

Useful resources

  1. RPC and Components
  2. Events
  3. RPC Relay
  4. Plugins
  5. Codebase
  6. Developing

    Connecting a Shelly device

To connect a second generation Shelly device do the following:

  1. Open the Shelly device's local webpage
  2. Navigate to Networks -> Outbound websocket
  3. Click the toggle button that enables the outbound websocket and enter the address of the fleet management server followed by /shelly (hint: ws://<your ip>:7011/shelly).

After that the device should show up in the home page of the application.


The codebase is split into modules - backend and frontend. They are described in the Codebase section.

Start the program

Keep in mind that there is a difference between codebase and docker image. In docker image lives node red plugin which provides fleet manager nodes, they can be used for extended control of shelly devices you can pull docker image from here


Using docker:


docker compose up -d

this will create 3 containers (as listed below)

Other ways

Other ways of starting the program are described in Developing.

2 external non TS modules:

migration-collection - makes migration, accepts db config and path where migration files are located

example config

        "connection": { // db connection config
            "host": "localhost",
            "user": "postgres",
            "max": 40,
            "password": "**********",
            "database": "em"
        "schema": "migration", // namespace name, where migration tables will be created
        "cwd": [ // migration files paths

expose-sql-methods - exposes all sql functions for given database.schema.

accepts database connection info + where are functions that we need (where = namespace) returns object with the following fingerprint:

    "methods": {fn1, fn2 .....} // all functions found in configured namespace/s,
    "stop": fn(){} // of called, db connection will be closed
    "txBegin", "txEnd" // both are functions, it is usable if dev wants to use build in pg driver transaction helper, txBegin - starts
    // tx and returns tx id, txEnd accepts tx id and closes the transaction

example config

        "connection": { // db connection config
            "host": "localhost",
            "user": "postgres",
            "max": 40,
            "password": "mysecretpassword",
            "database": "em"
        "link": {"schemas": ["devices", "core"]} // namespaces that will be inspected for functions, all of those functions will be exposed

OIDC (Zitadel)


Contributing can be done with pull requests in Github.