ALT-F4-LLC / kickstart.nix

Kickstart your Nix environment.
Apache License 2.0
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nix nix-darwin nixos


Kickstart your Nix environments.

Test flake Test home-manager Test languages Test systems




Setup Linux

Guide for setting up Nix on non-NixOS based Linux systems.

  1. Install nixpkgs with official script:

[!NOTE] The offical docs suggest using daemon mode to install with this approach. Nix currently does not support SELINUX enabled.

sh <(curl -L --daemon
  1. Edit /etc/nix/nix.conf to enable the following settings:
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
  1. Create a new directory for your flake.nix configuration:
mkdir -p ~/kickstart.nix
cd ~/kickstart.nix
  1. Using nix flake init generate the kickstart.nix template locally:
nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#home-manager
  1. Update following value(s) in flake.nix configuration:

[!IMPORTANT] Both homeDirectory and username must be updated with your user home directory and username. Once updated, remove throw before each value to remove errors while switching.

homeManagerModule = import ./module/home-manager.nix {
  homeDirectory = throw "<enter homeDirectory in flake.nix>"; # TODO: home directory of the user
  username = throw "<enter username in flake.nix>"; # TODO: username of the user
  1. Run home-manager from nixpkgs to build and switch environments:

[!IMPORTANT] This template supports the following systems: aarch64-darwin, aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin and x86_64-linux.

# for ARM systems running macOS
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- build --flake .#aarch64-darwin
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- switch --flake .#aarch64-darwin

# for ARM systems running Linux
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- build --flake .#aarch64-linux
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- switch --flake .#aarch64-linux

# for Intel systems running macOS
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- build --flake .#x86_64-darwin
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- switch --flake .#x86_64-darwin

# for Intel systems running Linux
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- build --flake .#x86_64-linux
nix run nixpkgs#home-manager -- switch --flake .#x86_64-linux

Congrats! You've setup Home Manager on your existing operating system!

Be sure to explore the files below to get started customizing:

Setup macOS

Guide for setting up Nix on macOS based systems.

  1. Install nixpkgs with official script:
sh <(curl -L
  1. Install nix-darwin with official steps:
nix-build -A installer
  1. Answer the following with y to edit your default configuration.nix file:
Would you like to edit the default configuration.nix before starting? [y/n] y
  1. Add the following to configuration.nix to enable nix-command and flakes features:
nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
  1. Answer the following with y to setup <darwin> in nix-channel (though it won't be used):
Would you like to manage <darwin> with nix-channel? [y/n] y
  1. Create a new directory for your flake.nix configuration:
mkdir -p ~/kickstart.nix
cd ~/kickstart.nix
  1. Using nix flake init generate the kickstart.nix template locally:
nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#darwin
  1. Update the following value(s) in flake.nix configuration:

[!IMPORTANT] The username value must be updated with your system username. Once updated, remove throw to remove error while switching.

    username = throw "<username>"; # TODO: replace with user name and remove throw 
  1. Switch to kickstart.nix environment for your system with flake configuration:
darwin-rebuild switch --flake ".#aarch64" # M Series Chipsets
darwin-rebuild switch --flake ".#x86_64" # Intel Chipsets

Congrats! You've setup Nix with Home Manager on macOS!

Be sure to explore the files below to get started customizing:

Setup NixOS

Guide for setting up NixOS based systems.

  1. Install NixOS using the latest ISO image for your system.

  2. Add the following to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to enable nix-command and flakes features:

nix.extraOptions = "experimental-features = nix-command flakes";
  1. Update you system to reflect the changes:
sudo nixos-rebuild test
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
  1. Create a new directory for your flake.nix configuration:
mkdir -p ~/kickstart.nix
cd ~/kickstart.nix
  1. Using nix flake init generate the kickstart.nix template of your choice locally:
nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#nixos-desktop
nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#nixos-minimal
  1. Update the following value(s) in flake.nix configuration:

[!IMPORTANT] Both username and password must be updated with your user username. Once updated, remove throw before each value to remove errors while switching. If you'd rather use a hashed password replace password with hashedPassword with your password hash.

    nixos-system = import ./system/nixos.nix {
        inherit inputs;
        username = throw "<username>"; # REQUIRED: replace with user name and remove throw
        password = throw "<password>"; # REQUIRED: replace with password and remove throw
        desktop = "gnome"; # optional: "gnome" by default, or "plasma5" for KDE Plasma
    nixos-system = import ./system/nixos.nix {
        inherit inputs;
        username = throw "<username>"; # REQUIRED: replace with user name and remove throw
        password = throw "<password>"; # REQUIRED: replace with password and remove throw
  1. Switch to kickstart.nix environment for your system with flake configuration:

[!IMPORTANT] We use --impure due to how /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix is generated and stored on the system after installation. To avoid using this flag, copy hardware-configuration.nix file locally and replace import in the template see example.

sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake ".#aarch64" --impure # M Series Chipsets
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".#aarch64" --impure # M Series Chipsets
sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake ".#x86_64"  --impure # Intel Chipsets
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".#x86_64" --impure # Intel Chipsets

Congrats! You've setup NixOS with Home Manager!

Be sure to explore the files below to get started customizing:



Used for Bash scripts.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#bash

C++ (cmake)

Used for C++ projects using CMake as a build system.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#cpp-cmake


Used for Dart applications.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#dart

Go (module)

Used for modern Go apps setup with go.mod system. To build legacy Go apps, use go-pkg template.

[!IMPORTANT] Be sure to update go.mod with proper repository after running init command.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#go-mod

Go (package)

Used for legacy Go apps not setup with go.mod system. To build modern Go apps, use go-mod template.

[!IMPORTANT] Be sure to update deps.nix with vendor dependencies after running init command (read more).

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#go-pkg


Used for Haskell applications.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#haskell

Lua (application)

Used for Lua script applications. This template creates a shell script wrapper which executes your Lua code. See flake.nix for more.

[!NOTE] We wrap Lua because we are using an interpreted language which requires both binary and code to run. This is similar to console scripts in the python-app template.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#lua-app


Used for NestJS applications. The template builds using npm.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#nestjs

To update your dependencies, install/upgrade them as normal via NPM, then use the prefetch-npm-deps package from nixpkgs to generate a new npmDepsHash value for packages.default in the Flake.

$ nix shell 'nixpkgs#prefetch-npm-deps' -c prefetch-npm-deps package-lock.json

Node.js (backend)

Used for Node.js backend applications. The template builds using npm, and does not assume you use TypeScript.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#nodejs-backend

To update your dependencies, install/upgrade them as normal via NPM, then use the prefetch-npm-deps package from nixpkgs to generate a new npmDepsHash value for packages.default in the Flake.

$ nix shell 'nixpkgs#prefetch-npm-deps' -c prefetch-npm-deps package-lock.json

[!TIP] To add TypeScript, install it with npm install --save-dev typescript, add a build script to package.json that calls tsc, and then remove dontNpmBuild = true; from packages.default in your Flake.


Used for OCaml applications.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#ocaml


Used for PHP applications

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#php


Used for Powershell applications.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#powershell

Python (application)

Used for runnable Python apps setup with and includes wrapped console scripts that can be executed from CLI. To build re-useable Python packages, use python-pkg template.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#python-app

Python (package)

Used for Python packages setup with that can be re-used within other Nix-built applications or packages. To build runnable Python apps, use python-app template.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#python-pkg


Used for Rust applications.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#rust


Used for Swift applications packages with SwiftPM.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#swiftpm

To update your dependencies, while in the direnv dev shell, run:

# Update current dependency lockfile (Package.resolved)
swift package resolve

# Update Nix bindings for dependency set

Then build again.

Vite (React)

Used for React-based frontends built with Vite. The template builds using npm.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#vite-react

To update your dependencies, install/upgrade them as normal via NPM, then use the prefetch-npm-deps package from nixpkgs to generate a new npmDepsHash value for packages.default in the Flake. This is included in the development shell provided by the flake.

$ prefetch-npm-deps package-lock.json


Used for Zig applications.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#zig


Home Manager

Home Manager template allows you to run Nix with Home Manager on non-NixOS based Linux systems.

[!TIP] This setup is ideal for developers interested in running Linux distros other than NixOS.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#nixos-minimal


macOS template allows you to run Nix tools on native Apple hardware.

[!TIP] This setup is ideal for developers already using macOS.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#darwin

NixOS (desktop)

NixOS desktop template includes base operating system with GNOME (default) windows manager included. You can also use plasma5 by changing desktop value in flake.nix file.

[!TIP] This setup is ideal for getting started moving to NixOS as your main desktop.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#nixos-desktop

NixOS (headless)

NixOS headless (minimal) template includes base operating system without any windows manager.

[!TIP] This setup is ideal for servers and other headless tasks.

nix flake init -t github:ALT-F4-LLC/kickstart.nix#nixos-minimal