AMP-SCZ / subject-id-gen

Subject ID Generator
Apache License 2.0
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Subject ID Generator


Getting started

Clone the repo

First, clone the project locally and move into the directory:

git clone
cd subject-id-gen

Install dependencies

(i) Install Node.js as noted here. npm command will come with it.

(ii) npm install --global yarn

You may install without --global but then you will have to use node_modules/yarn/bin/yarn later.

(iii) Install MongoDB community edition, configure SELinux, and start MongoDB.

(iv) This project uses Yarn and the version of Node specified in .nvmrc. Use the following command to install dependencies:

yarn install

Run MongoDB

A self- or remote-hosted MongoDB instance, accessible from a connection URI, is required to continue. Please create that instance, and a user that can access an empty database there, and note that database name (it will be used in the next step for MONGODB_DB).

For a self-hosted instance, first launch the MongoDB CLI from the command line:


From the MongoDB CLI (replace dbname, username and secure password):

use dbname
  user: "username",
  pwd: "secure password",
  roles: [ "readWrite" ],

Whatever you used for dbname will be set to MONGODB_DB in the next step. For a self-hosted instance, the MongoDB connection URI (MONGODB_URI) will be something like mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/dbname.

Set environment variables

This project uses environment variables stored in .env.local at the project root. This file will not be committed to version control. Please run the following command:

cp .env.local.sample .env.local

And then open .env.local and edit the values according to your setup, using the provided comments.

Set up next.config.js

This project also uses some Next.js app-level configurations stored at next.config.js, which will not be committed to version control. Please run the following command:

cp next.config.js.sample next.config.js

And then open next.config.js and edit the values according to your setup, using the provided comments.

Seed the database

In order to seed the database with site IDs and names, run the following command:

yarn seed

In your environment variables, MONGODB_DB must be set to the name of the empty database you created, and MONGODB_URI must be the connetion URI for your MongoDB instance.

The initial sites will be pulled from sites.json in the project root. You may add sites using the web interface once the application is launched in the following steps.

Available scripts

To serve the app in development mode (hot-reloading) on port 4040, use the following command:

yarn dev

To build a production bundle of the app, use the following command:

yarn build

To serve the built bundle on port 4041, use the following command (yarn build must be run first):

yarn start

See Cookies section for one caveat about running the app with yarn start.

Server configuration


So far we have described how to serve this app from a root URL on localhost e.g. http://localhost:4040. To serve this app from a non-root subpath e.g. http://localhost:4040/idgen, the following changes are necessary:

Uncomment the basePath line in next.config.js and use your new subpath:

module.exports = {
  // Optional: set a base path to serve your app from non-root URL
  // (make sure to uncomment if used)
  basePath: '/idgen',

In addition, .env.local must have the following properties set with the new subpath:



Nginx reverse proxy with subpath

If you would additionally like to use a reverse proxy to serve the app from your hostname, in this example, the following changes will also be necessary:

The following location block is necessary in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

server {
    listen       80;

    location /idgen {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;


Then, the BASE_URL property in .env.local must also be changed to reflect the hostname:



Upon using this configuration, the admin will get emails with properly generated site access granting links when users request access to various sites. Those links will look like


This app uses cookies to store session information at login. When using yarn build and yarn start, you must be able to serve the app over HTTPS with a valid certificate, because the session uses secure cookies in production mode.

It is not recommended, but if you don't have the ability to set up HTTPS for your server, you may either use yarn dev (slower and some styles will not load), or you may make the following change to the property in src/lib/session.js:

// src/lib/session.js
    cookieOptions: {
      secure: false,

And then run yarn build and yarn start.
