NATO Education and Training Network (NETN) Organisation (ORG) Module
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Module Name #9

Closed LennartOlsson closed 5 years ago

LennartOlsson commented 5 years ago

A better name on this module would be NETN-ORG.

We may need to define other relations than ORBAT relations, e.g. logistics relations.

New data not already defined in the MSDL standard will be extensions like the ones done in MSG-106.

The base will still be the MSDL standard and the organization shall be saved in a xml-file between federations executions. We can make extensions as long we do not make any changes in the MSDL standard.

bergtwvd commented 5 years ago

Where does ORG stand for?

LennartOlsson commented 5 years ago

ORG stands for organization.

bergtwvd commented 5 years ago

Fine for me. Just cloned the repository. However, there are still NETN_ORBAT.* files. Rename / remove?

LennartOlsson commented 5 years ago

Björn renamed the repository. I deleted the NETN-ORBAT files.

bergtwvd commented 5 years ago

Ok, Just added the VOMT file back in.

AMSP-04 commented 5 years ago