NATO Education and Training Network (NETN) Organisation (ORG) Module
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Modelling of an organizational unit in a distributed simulation depends on its intra-organizational relationship with other units, e.g. superior, subordinate, and the relationship between organizations, e.g. friendly or hostile. This organizational information is normally provided to simulation systems as part of initialization based on the scenario.

The NATO Education and Training Network Organization Module (NETN ORG) is a specification of how to represent organizations in a federated distributed simulation.

The specification is based on IEEE 1516 High Level Architecture (HLA) Object Model Template (OMT) and primarily intended to support interoperability in a federated simulation (federation) based on HLA. A Federation Object Model (FOM) Module is used to specify how data is represented and exchanged in the federation. The NETN-ORG FOM module is available as an XML file for use in HLA based federations.


The NETN-ORG FOM Module provides a common standard interface for the representation of the state of units including command structure and relationship between organizations. This representation can be used for setting the initial state of simulated entities, capturing subsequent snapshot states and for dynamic change of organizational relationships.



Copyright (C) 2020 NATO/OTAN. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

The work includes the NETN-ORG.xml FOM Module and documentation.

Above licence gives you the right to use and redistribute the NETN FOM Module (XML file and Documentation) in its entirety without modification. You are also allowed to develop new FOM Modules (in separate XML files and separate documentation) that build-on/extends the NETN module by reference and including necessary scaffolding classes. You are NOT allowed to modify this FOM Module or its documentation without prior permission by the NATO Modelling and Simulation Group.

Versions, updates and extensions

All updates and versioning of this work is coordinated by the NATO Modelling and Simulation Coordination Office (MSCO), managed by the NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG) and performed as NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) technical activities in support of the NMSG Modelling and Simulation Standards Subgroup (MS3).

Feedback on the use of this work, suggestions for improvements and identified issues are welcome and can be provided using GitHub issue tracking. To engage in the development and update of this FOM Module please contact your national NMSG representative.

Version numbering of this FOM Module and associated documentation is based on the following principles:

Version Description
v 1.0 Initial release of NETN ORG FOM Module based on MSDL and Viking Computer Assisted eXercise (CAX).



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