AMZ-Racing / fssim

Formula Student Simulator dedicated for FSD competition
MIT License
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FSSIM is a vehicle simulator dedicated for Formula Student Driverless Competition. It was developed for autonomous software testing purposes and not for gaming. A version of this simulator was used to predict lap time of gotthard at FSG 2018 trackdrive with 1% accuracy.

This simulator is developed and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic and both are assumed to be already installed.

The more extensive tutorial can be found under Wiki

FSSIM is developed by Juraj Kabzan as part of our work at AMZ-Driverless.

How to Run It in your Workspace

  1. Install sudo apt install ros-kinetic-desktop-full and sudo apt install python-catkin-tools
  2. Clone this repository to an existing ROS Workspace initialized with catkin init
  3. Run cd src/fssim from the workspace.
  4. Run ./, you will need to approve multiple packages to be installed
  5. Run catkin build
  6. Source the workspace
  7. After successful building, run the simulator with roslaunch fssim auto_fssim.launch. RVIZ window will start. NOTE: You might need to untick and tick FSSIM Track and RobotModel in RVIZ in order to load the STL files. NOTE: This [Wrn] [] Getting models from[]. This may take a few seconds. might take up to a minute when starting for the first time.
  8. The terminal will inform you what is happening. The loading time takes around 20 seconds. When Sending RES GO will show up in the terminal, you can start controlling the vehicle with /fssim/cmd topic.

Combine it with simple FSD skeleton Framework and drive a lap

  1. Install sudo apt install ros-kinetic-desktop-full and sudo apt install python-catkin-tools
  2. Clone the AMZ skeleton workspace.
  3. Run ./ -f from fsd_skeleton, you will need to approve multiple packages to be installed
  4. Compile with catkin build
  5. Source the workspace source
  6. Run roslaunch fssim_interface fssim.launch
  7. Run roslaunch control_meta trackdrive.launch


  1. Run automated test. Execute FSD_ATS (this command is loaded when sourcing If you will want to see the visualization, run RViZ: roslaunch fssim_interface rviz.launch. NOTE: The car will keep driving until the simulation will time-out since no lap counter is implemented.


Known problems


Juraj Kabzan, Miguel de la Iglesia Valls, Victor Reijgwart, Hubertus Franciscus Cornelis Hendrikx, Claas Ehmke, Manish Prajapat, Andreas Bühler, Nikhil Gosala, Mehak Gupta, Ramya Sivanesan, Ankit Dhall, Eugenio Chisari, Napat Karnchanachari, Sonja Brits, Manuel Dangel, Inkyu Sa, Renaud Dubé, Abel Gawel, Mark Pfeiffer, Alexander Liniger, John Lygeros, Roland Siegwart, "AMZ Driverless: The Full Autonomous Racing System", arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.05150

Author = {Juraj Kabzan and Miguel de la Iglesia Valls and Victor Reijgwart and Hubertus Franciscus Cornelis Hendrikx and Claas Ehmke and Manish Prajapat and Andreas Bühler and Nikhil Gosala and Mehak Gupta and Ramya Sivanesan and Ankit Dhall and Eugenio Chisari and Napat Karnchanachari and Sonja Brits and Manuel Dangel and Inkyu Sa and Renaud Dubé and Abel Gawel and Mark Pfeiffer and Alexander Liniger and John Lygeros and Roland Siegwart},
Title = {AMZ Driverless: The Full Autonomous Racing System},
Year = {2019},
Eprint = {arXiv:1905.05150},


A note: this is a public copy of a private version. The public version might have some internal functionality removed. FSSIM was developed by