Region Plugin to demonstrate the integration of JET Charts not currently exposed in APEX.
The implemented Plugin Settings (you could at many more):
select ename||' - '||job||'@'||dname "name"
, 'human' "shape"
, 1 "count"
, case job
when 'PRESIDENT' then 'black'
when 'ANALYST' then 'blue'
when 'CLERK' then 'green'
when 'MANAGER' then 'red'
when 'SALESMAN' then 'yellow'
end "color"
from emp
join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno
order by 2 desc, 4
I've blogged about this solution quite a while before - even before JET was included in APEX. So please check out these two part blog posts: and for more background info.