Bill of Materials-WB
A workbench to create Bill of Materials (BoM) independent of the assembly workbench of your choice.
The following types of BoM can be created:
- a total BoM with all the parts and subassemblies (the deepest level can be set).
- a summary BoM.
- a parts only BoM.
- a first level BoM (useful for drawings).
- a raw BoM. (This is a BoM, just as is. No summation of parts and assemblies. Can be used for testing or creating your own BoM in programs like Excel or OpenOffice.)
Supported assembly types:
- a2plus
- Assembly 3
- Assembly 4
- Internal assembly workbench (This workbench is still under development)
- Applink / ApplinkGroup assemblies
- AppPart assemblies
- Multi body parts (Part/Part Design)
See the wiki page for more information.