APSL / PyConES-2019

Web PyConES 2019
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================ PyConES 2019 Web

Web page made for PyConES 2019, made with Django with :heart:.

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/python-spain/PyConES-2017.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/python-spain/PyConES-2017

Deploy with Docker

To deploy using docker, first we've to create a .env file with the credentials of the database, secret key, etc.

.. code-block:: bash

$ cp env.example .env
$ cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml

The available environment variables are:

The default values are ready to run the containers in a development machine using production configuration. Then, we've have to use Docker Compose to bring it up.

.. code-block:: bash

$ ./deploy.sh

Configuration parameters

Some configuration can be enabled/dissabled on the options admin page: