APSL / wordpress-to-puput

Import your Wordpress blog data into Puput
MIT License
13 stars 16 forks source link


.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/wordpress-to-puput.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wordpress-to-puput/

Import your Wordpress blog data into Puput.


  1. Install wordpress-to-puput package and its dependencies :code:pip install wordpress-to-puput
  2. Add :code:wordpress2puput to your :code:INSTALLED_APPS in :code:settings.py file.
  3. Run the management command::

    python manage.py wp2puput path_to_wordpress_export.xml

You can optionally pass the slug and the title of the blog to the importer::

python manage.py wp2puput path_to_wordpress_export.xml --slug=blog --title="Puput blog"