APTG / dedx_web

Web interface for libdedx library
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

dEdx web

An online interface of the libdEdx library. Stable version of the web interface is available at aptg.github.io/web

General idea

The idea of this project is to prepare a web interface of the libdEdx library. Thanks to WebAssembly technology as well as clean and simple UI it will allow users to calculate and view stopping powers and energies of various particles.

Part of the project is similar to the PSTAR program of the National Institue of Standards and Technology, but we aim to add more options to the queries, make the plots dynamically generated, create a fluent user interface and - by focusing on responsivenes of the web layout - enable researchers from around the world to gather the necessery data on their mobile phones in lab enviroment.

Related projects

Technologies used in the project

The project uses 3 key technologies:

As to the choice of the plotting library, we had many options but ultimately we decided that JSROOT fits the expectations of future users the best.

Key functionalities

One of the main assets of our application is the abilty to plot graphs of stopping power and energy for multiple particles on one canvas. Using the JSROOT graphing library all the plots will be dynamic, easy to scale and adjust in the way user needs it.

Team and Supervisor

Developed by Piotr Połeć and Marek Ślązak under supervision of Leszek Granka


Unstable development version, being updated at every commit is available at aptg.github.io/web_dev