APasz / SSCBot

Discord Bot that reacts to things.
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

Katoku v2 formally known as SSCBot

My first real proper python coding project that I've actually stuck with.

A Discord bot which does things.

Specifically for the TpF community with the global server being the focus.



As of v2.7, it has localisation of most functions. I ask any who can translate to please help out by providing a translation. The GNU gettext standard is used. So for new translations, grab the base.pot file and open it in PoEdit. Create new translation and pick a language that's recognised by Discord/Nextcord to create a new base.po file. https://docs.nextcord.dev/en/stable/api.html#nextcord.Locale

If wishing to update an existing translation. Grab the base.po file from the locale folder and open it with PoEdit. Please take note of the comments.

Once finished, please either send the .po file directly to me or via a pull request.

Please note that a complete translation is not required but any missing strings will be substituted with English.


I don't test on on Windows, so YMMV.

Currently the working directory must be the bot's folder (where bot.py is).

