AR-Development / PersistentEmpires-OpenSourced

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 19 forks source link

Persistent Empires Open Sourced

Persistent empires is a Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord mod that introduces some new mechanics to multiplayer gaming that allow players to do roleplay, team fight, clan fight, farming, mining etc...


A Windows Server ( )

You need a database, MariaDB (Preferably 10.4.27-MariaDB) installation ( or you may use MYSQL8 (8.0.36 should work fine) (

You need Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Dedicated Server ( can be installed from steamcmd )

steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir "C:\Desktop\YourServerFolderLocation" +login your_steam_username "your_steam_password" +app_update 1863440 validate


DBeaver Setup

DBeaver Setup


Created a database called pe_production, ignore other databases


        Server=localhost;User ID=root;Password=password;Database=pe_production


ServerName Persistent Empires
GameType PersistentEmpires
Map pe_test3
CultureTeam1 khuzait
CultureTeam2 vlandia
AllowPollsToKickPlayers False
AllowPollsToBanPlayers False
AllowPollsToChangeMaps False
MapTimeLimit 60000
RespawnPeriodTeam1 5
RespawnPeriodTeam1 5
MinNumberOfPlayersForMatchStart 0
MaxNumberOfPlayers 500
DisableInactivityKick True
add_map_to_automated_battle_pool pe_test3
start DedicatedCustomServer.Starter.exe /dedicatedcustomserverconfigfile persistent_empires.txt /port 7211 /DisableErrorReporting /no_watchdog /tickrate 75 /multiplayer /dedicatedcustomserverauthtoken INSERTCUSTOMSERVERAUTHTOKENHERE _MODULES_*Native*Multiplayer*PersistentEmpires*_MODULES_

Server Configuration

Persistent Empires allow users to configure some options server side.

You can find the configuration file under YourServerLocation/Modules/PersistentEmpires/ModuleData/Configs/GeneralConfig.xml

This file could be empty, you can use this configuration file below if you wish however undefined values will just utilize the default values.



  <!-- Auto Restart Settings -->

  <!-- Bank Settings -->

  <!-- Combat Log System -->

  <!-- Doctor Settings -->

  <!-- Hunger Settings -->

  <!-- Lord Poll Settings -->

  <!-- Politics -->

  <!-- Thief -->

  <!-- Misc -->
  <AgentLabelEnabled>true</AgentLabelEnabled> <!-- Banners on top of head -->
  <DontOverrideMangonelHit>false</DontOverrideMangonelHit> <!-- Decide to override mangonel damage to the players -->
  <NameChangeGold>5000</NameChangeGold> <!-- Name changing gold -->
  <NameChangeCooldownInSeconds>3600</NameChangeCooldownInSeconds> <!-- Name changing cooldown -->
  <RepairTimeoutAfterHit>60</RepairTimeoutAfterHit> <!-- Cooldown for repairs after damage -->


Persistent Empires features an API

With it, you can submit GET/POST requests in order to remotely perform functions on the server. This can be extremely powerful if your intention is to create moderation tools such as through an external panel or a discord bot.

You can find the configuration file under YourServerLocation/Modules/PersistentEmpires/ModuleData/Configs/ApiConfig.xml

You will need to generate a secretkey and use said secretkey to generate a JWT token. DANGER - DO NOT USE THE EXAMPLE KEY, generate your own.



Here are the following things you can do using the api.

POST /compensateplayer - Gives a player gold.
    "PlayerId": "player_id_here",
    "Gold": 100

POST /kickplayer - Kicks player from the server.
    "PlayerId": "player_id_here"

POST /fadeplayer - Kills a player and deletes their armor.
    "PlayerId": "player_id_here"

POST /unbanplayer - Unbans a player.
    "PlayerId": "player_id_here",
    "UnbanReason": "Reason for unbanning"

POST /banplayer - Bans a player.
    "PlayerId": "player_id_here",
    "BanEndsAt": "2024-05-01T00:00:00",
    "BanReason": "Reason for banning"

POST /announce - Posts an announcement into the server for all players to see.
    "Message": "Your announcement message here"

GET /servercap - Returns player count.

GET /restart - Issues Restart.

GET /shutdown - Shuts down the server.