ARKlab / freeradius-azuread

MIT License
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FreeRadius with AzureAD authentication

Docker image, tailored to be launched in Azure Container Instances, to provide a Radius server that authenticates users with Azure AD without and Domain Services using freeradius-oauth2-perl.

BREAKING: Move from DockerHub to Github Packages

Due to Free Team tier being sunset by DockerHub, ARK is going to deprecate Docker image repositoy.

Update your deployments from arkenergy/freeradius-azuread:latest to

How to

  1. Setup an Azure AD Application as illustrated in the freeradius-oauth2-perl project.
  2. Spin up image with the following Env
Env Description Example
AzureAdDomain Your user domain used in the FreeRadius realm.
AzureAdClientId The client ID obtained in step1 62a1f590-f324-4921-8412-fd7bbd8baa5a
AzureAdSecret The Application secret from step1 *****
NASName The name of the NAS Client, used in FreeRadius client.conf PFSense
NASNetwork The authorized network source for the NAS client.
NASSecret The secret used by the NAS client to connect. ****

This is the sample command to use.

docker run -p 1812:1812/udp -p 1813:1813/udp -e AzureAdDomain='' -e AzureAdClientId='$client_id' -e AzureAdSecret='$secret' -e NASName=$clientNAme -e NASNetwork= -e NASSecret=$nasSecret

Security caveat

For this to work the NAS should use PAP authentication, meaning the clear-text password is received by the RADIUS server. Adding that to the fact that this image doesn't support RADSEC TLS between NAS client and RADIUS server, means that the clear-text password is transferred unencryped between the NAS client and the RADIUS server.

Do not use this image if the channel between the NAS and this RADIUS server is unsecure.