ARM-software / CSAL

Coresight Access Library
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CoreSight Access Library {#mainpage}

The CoreSight Access Library (CSAL) provides an API which enables user code to interact directly with CoreSight devices on a target. This allows, for example, program execution trace to be captured in a production system without the need to have an external debugger connected. The saved trace can be retrieved later and loaded into a debugger for analysis. CSAL can be run on application core or a management core.

The library supports a number of different CoreSight components, and has configurations for several target SoCs and boards as described in the [demos readme](@ref demos) file described below.

You can modify the library and demos to support other CoreSight components and/or boards. An example Linux application (tracedemo) that exercises the library is provided. As it runs, tracedemo creates several files on the target, including the captured trace. Ready-made example capture files are provided that can be loaded into a debugger.

CoreSight Component Support

The following trace components are supported by the library:

The library also supports access to the v7 Arch or v8 Arch debug sampling registers, allowing non intrusive sampling of PC, VMID and ContextID on a running core.

Optional support is provided for intrusive halting mode debug support of v7/v8 Arch debug cores.

Normally, components are accessed in the local memory space. The library also supports accessing components through a MEM-AP device.

In addition, it provides several ways to get access to physical memory:


CSAL is supplied as a git repository on github -

./source : Contains all the CSAL library source .c files.

./include: Contains the CSAL library API header include files.

./demos : Contains the source and build files for the demonstration programs.

./build : The main library build Makefile. Change to this directory to build the library.

./python : Build and source files to make a python module to interface to the library. (unmaintained)

./experimental : Unmaintained and unsupported additional demos.

./doxygen-cfg.txt : File to generate CSAL API documentation using doxygen.

./ : This readme text file - which is also processed by doxygen.

./makefile : master makefile - make help for list of targets.

./coresight-tools : Self-contained Python tools for CoreSight topology discovery.

./devmemd : a simple network daemon to forward memory accesses, for testing during development.


API Documentation is provided inline in the source header files, which use the doxygen standard mark-up. Run doxygen on the ./doxygen-cfg.txt file located in the library main directory.

doxygen ./doxygen-cfg.txt

This will produce the documentation in the ./doc/html directory. The doxygen configuration also includes the readme*.md files as part of the documentation.


Building the Library and Demos:

Run make from the root of the installation. This will build the standard version of the library, and deliver the library into the ./lib/<arch>/rel directory. The demonstration programs will be built and linked to the library, delivered into the ./bin/<arch>/rel directory.

To use the library in a program include the file csaccess.h from the ./include directory and link to the built library.

See [./build/](@ref buildlib) for further information on building the library.

See [./demos/](@ref demos) for further information on running the demos.

Simple usage:

Each CoreSight component that you need to access (trace unit, funnel, sink etc.) should be registered with CSAL by calling cs_device_register: see the "CoreSight component and topology registration" section of the API. You will need to know the physical address of the component. This may be obtained from a vendor datasheet, or sometimes it is discoverable from an on-chip ROM table. See coresight-tools/ for more details. Connections between devices should also be registered with CSAL.

Accessing components via a MEM-AP:

On some SoCs, components are accessed indirectly, via a MEM-AP component, which acts as a gateway into a separate address space. CSAL supports indirect access via MEM-AP when built with the CSAL_MEMAP option. The MEM-AP device, and any other directly accessible devices, should first be registered in the usual way, then cs_set_default_memap() should be called to register the MEM-AP as the owner for new devices. Subsequent device registrations take place in the address space of the MEM-AP, and the CSAL API functions can then act on the devices as normal.

Note that access via a MEM-AP makes it especially important to avoid conflicts between multiple debug agents, to avoid race conditions on the MEM-AP's transfer registers. Each MEM-AP component provides two independent transfer areas, the second being at offset 0x1000. One can be used by an external debugger while the other is used by CSAL. CSAL will check the settings of MEM-AP's CLAIM register, to check if it is in use by an external debugger, and will then set the claim bit indicating self-hosted use. However, note that some external debuggers do not check or set the CLAIM bits. When using a MEM-AP, we recommend finding out which half of the MEM-AP is used by the debugger and using the other half.


CSAL's global state is not thread-safe in general. However, once components are registered, it should generally be safe to use them concurrently from different threads as long as two threads are not writing to (or causing side-effects in) the same component at the same time. For example, one thread could program a trace unit while another is monitoring a trace sink and a third is sampling from a PMU, all via the CSAL APIs.

When components are accessed indirectly via a shared MEM-AP, access from different threads will attempt to update the MEM-AP. It will generally be necessary to use some form of locking so that updates to the MEM-AP's transfer address register and use of its data transfer registers are within a critical section. This has not currently been implemented in CSAL.

Using the Library in Python:

This experimental code is not built by default. The ./python directory contains source and makefiles to generate a python module to allow use of the library.

See [./build/](@ref python) for further information.

Version and Modification Information

Version 1.000

Initial Library Release.

Version 2.000

Updates to APIs:-

General changes:-

Version 2.001

Updates to APIs:-

Version 2.002

Updates to APIs:-

Version 2.3

Version 3.0

Version 3.1

Version 3.2

Future changes

It is unlikely that CSAL will see major development, but it may be improved in areas including:

Licence Information

Copyright (C) ARM Limited, 2014-2024. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.