ARM-software / arm-enterprise-acs

ARM Enterprise ACS
Apache License 2.0
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Arm Enterprise ACS - Architecture Compliance Suite


This repository is deprecated. All support for the repository will end on 31st October 2022 after which it shall be archived. Refer to Arm SystemReady SR ACS for the new ACS.

Architecture Compliance Suite

Architecture Compliance Suite (ACS) is used to ensure architectural compliance across different implementations of the architecture. Arm Enterprise ACS includes a set of examples of the invariant behaviors that are provided by a set of specifications for enterprise systems (For example: SBSA, SBBR, etc.), so that implementers can verify if these behaviours have been interpreted correctly. ACS is delivered with tests in source form along with a build script, the output of the build being a bootable Linux UEFI Validation (LUV) OS image that can run all tests required by these specifications.

Arm Enterprise ACS tests are available open source. The tests and the corresponding abstraction layers are available with an Apache v2 license allowing for external contribution.

In summary, the Arm Enterprise ACS product contains the following:

    1. Scripts to build, construct, and run the test images.
    2. A bootable LUV OS image capable of running all tests.
    3. Documentation on running the tests.

These tests are split between UEFI and Linux (supported by corresponding kernel driver) applications that together determine whether an architectural implementation is compliant with the enterprise specifications. These tests are further described in detail.

Release details

GitHub branch

ACS build steps

Prebuilt images


Before starting the ACS build, ensure that the following requirements are met:

Perform the following steps to start the ACS build:

  1. Create a directory that is your workspace and `cd' into it.
    $ mkdir <work_dir> && cd <work_dir>
  2. Clone the Arm Enterprise ACS source code.
    $ git clone
    $ cd arm-enterprise-acs
  3. Download and patch LUV OS source code.
    $ ./
  4. Build LUV OS and test binaries.
    $ ./luvos/scripts/


Build output

The luv-live-image-gpt.img bootable image can be found in: <work_dir>/arm-enterprise-acs/luv/build/tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm64/luv-live-image-gpt.img

This image comprises of two FAT file system partitions recognized by UEFI:

The grub-efi-bootaa64.efi netbootable image can be found in: <work_dir>/arm-enterprise-acs/luv/build/tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm64/grub-efi-bootaa64.efi

This image is built to be used in PXE Booting and automatic execution of tests For more details please check this document : build-options.

For more information, see Yocto Project and LuvOS.

Test Suite Execution

Note: UEFI EDK2 setting for "Console Preference": The default is "Graphical". When that is selected, Linux output will go only to the graphical console (HDMI monitor). To force serial console output, you may change the "Console Preference" to "Serial".

Verification of the luv-live-image on the Arm Neoverse N2 reference design (RD-N2)


Follow the steps mentioned in RD-N2 platform software user guide to obtain RD-N2 FVP.

For software stack build instructions follow Busybox Boot link under Supported Features by RD-N2 platform software stack section in the same guide.

Note: RD-N2 should be built with the GIC Changes mentioned in Prerequisites.
Note: sudo permission will be required by building software stack.

  1. Set the environment variable 'MODEL'
    export MODEL=<absolute path to the RD-N2 FVP binary/FVP_RD_N2>
  2. Launch the RD-N2 FVP with the pre-built image with the below command
    cd /path to RD-N2_FVP platform software/model-scripts/rdinfra/platforms/rdn2
    ./ -v /path-to-luv-live-image/luv-live-image-gpt.img

    This will start the luv live image automation and run the test suites in sequence.


The test suite execution can be automated or manual. Automated execution is the default execution method when no key is pressed during boot.
Note: SBBR SCT tests are now included as part of automation. For information about running these tests, see section ‘SBBR SCT tests’ in this document.
The execution varies depending on the test environment. The next set of commands are an example of our typical run of the test suites. Note that the File System Partition in your platform can vary.

The live image boots to UEFI Shell. The different test applications can be run in following order:

  1. UEFI Shell application for SBSA compliance.
  2. SCT tests (if included in the build), for SBBR compliance.
  3. FWTS tests for SBBR compliance.
  4. OS tests for SBSA compliance.

Baselines for Open Source Software in this release:

Security Implication

Arm Enterprise ACS test suite may run at higher privilege level. An attacker may utilize these tests as a means to elevate privilege which can potentially reveal the platform security assets. To prevent the leakage of secure information, it is strongly recommended that the ACS test suite is run only on development platforms. If it is run on production systems, the system should be scrubbed after running the test suite.


Validating the compliance of certain PCIe rules defined in the BSA specification require the PCIe end-point generate specific stimulus during the runtime of the test. Examples of such stimulus are P2P, PASID, ATC, etc. The tests that requires these stimuli are grouped together in the exerciser module. The exerciser layer is an abstraction layer that enables the integration of hardware capable of generating such stimuli to the test framework. The details of the hardware or Verification IP which enable these exerciser tests platform specific and are beyond the scope of this document.

The Live image does not allow customizations, hence, the exerciser module is not included in the Live image. To enable exerciser tests for greater coverage of PCIe rules, please refer to SBSA Or contact your Arm representative for details.


Arm Enterprise ACS is distributed under Apache v2.0 License.

Feedback, contributions, and support

Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.