ARMmbed / icetea

DEPRECATED mbed test framework
Apache License 2.0
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iot mbed-os mbed-test test-framework

Deprecation note!

Please note: This repository is deprecated and it is no longer actively maintained.

Icetea test framework

Icetea is an automated testing framework for Mbed development. It automates the process of flashing Mbed boards, running tests and accumulating test results into reports. Developers use it for local development as well as for automation in a Continuous Integration Environment.

When testing Mbed OS Icetea allows you to execute commands remotely via the command line interface (CLI) in a device under test (DUT). The interface between the test framework and DUT can be for example UART or stdio.

More detailed documentation on the tool is available here in rst format and here in markdown format.


Icetea supports Linux (Ubuntu preferred), Windows and OS X. Our main target is Linux. We support both Python 2.7 and 3.5 or later. Some OS specific prerequisites below:


There are some optional dependencies that brings some optional features, like coloredlogs which decorate your console outputs with all kind of colors.

All optional dependencies are declared extra_requirements.txt and they can be installed using pip. Note that you need extra_requirements.txt file locally.

> pip install -r extra_requirements.txt


Sniffer integration component requires pyshark, which is not covered in requirements.txt due to installation issues with trollius (requirement for python 2 version of pyshark called pyshark-legacy). To use this integration, you need to manually install pyshark for your setup. For python 3:

> pip install pyshark

For python 2:

> pip install pyshark-legacy


> pip install icetea


To print the help page:

icetea --help

To list all local testcases from the examples subfolder:

icetea --list --tcdir examples

To print Icetea version:

icetea --version

Typical use

All of the commands described below might also need other options, depending on the test case.

Running test cases using the tc argument

> icetea --tc <test case name> --tcdir <test case search path>

To run all existing test cases from the examples folder:

> icetea --tc all --tcdir examples

Running an example test case with hardware

In this example, we assume that a compatible board has been connected to the computer and an application binary for the board is available. The referred test case is available in the icetea github repository.

> icetea --tc test_cmdline --tcdir examples --type hardware --bin <path to a binary>

Using metadata filters

To run all test cases with testtype regression in the metadata:

> icetea --testtype regression --tcdir <test case search path>

The following metadata filters are available:

Running a premade suite

Icetea supports a suite file that describes a suite of test cases in json format.

> icetea --suite <suite file name> --tcdir <test case search path> --suitedir <path to suite directory>

Enabling debug level logging

Use -v or -vv arguments to control logging levels. -v increases the frameworks logging level to debug (default is info) and the level of logging in certain plugins and external components to info (default is warning). --vv increases the level of logging on all Icetea loggers to debug.

Further details

For further details on any of the features see our documentation.

Creating a test case

Icetea test cases are implemented as Python classes that inherit the Bench object available in icetea_lib.bench module. The test case needs to have an initialization function that defines the metadata and a case function that implements the test sequence. There are two optional functions, setup and teardown. More information is available in our documentation.

An example test case is shown below:

Copyright 2017 ARM Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

from icetea_lib.bench import Bench

class Testcase(Bench):
    def __init__(self):
                       title="Example test",
                       purpose="Show example of a test",
                           "duts": {
                               '*': {
                                    "count": 1,
                                    "type": "hardware"

    def setup(self):
        # nothing for now

    def case(self):
        self.command(1, "echo hello world", timeout=5)

    def teardown(self):
        # nothing for now


See the license agreement.