ARRRmada /

An open source version of the ARRRmada directory.
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

This is a open source version of This concept makes the website static, facilitating hosting on Github, enhancing transparency, and shifting control of this crucial Pirate Chain asset to the community.

Access the website here:


Add new Merchant Listing

To create a listing, appending the listing details to merchants.yml and uploading the listing image is all that's required. The rest is automated once Jekyll builds. This process relies on a listing code, which the merchant generates and submits for approval. The process is decribed below.

Link to Github Issue form:

note: Submission via Github is prefered so that the submitter can be contacted should there be any issue with the listing

Instructions are clearly provided at each step on the website. Once the commits are made, jekyll will automatically build which can take a few minutes before the listing will appear on the live website.

Add Donation Buttons

Donation Button can be added by appending the filename to the buttons list and uploading the image

Add a Payment Gateway

A Payment gateway can be added by appending the gateway listing to the gateways list, and uploading the gateway listing image.

Each listing must include a name, desc, img, and url.


- name: PiratePay
  desc: 'PiratePay is an open-source decentralized payment gateway that allows you to accept $ARRR on your websites and stores. PiratePay eliminates the need for a middleman and is built with the highest level of privacy and security in mind.'
  img: piratepay.svg

NAME - The name can be any name

DESC - Description must be 160 characters or fewer. Multiline descriptions must be encased in single quotes.

IMG and listing image - The listing image should be 400px x 150px. The image filename (img) must include the extension and match the image that must be placed in assets/img/gateways/.

URL - the site url is the complete URL of where the link should redirect the browser.

Add a new Tag

To create a new tag, it must be added manually to the YAML list. Open _data/tags.yml and add the new entry. The entry must include a unique ID and a unique tag name. Order and ID otherwise do not matter.


- id: 12
  name: Crypto

ID - Typically the ID can be incremented by one from the last entry, but ensure it does not already exist in the list.

NAME - Use a unique tag name that does not yet exist. Consider carefully if a tag should be added. Too many tags may worsen the user experience, so only add if there is no other existing tag that will suffice. To ensure formatting is not broken, the tag name should be as short and concise as possible, and not to excede 20 characters.

Change an Existing Tag

Tag names can be altered as long as the ID remains the same. DO NOT CHANGE an existing ID. Doing so will create a new tag and break existing listings.