ARYANTECH123 / pythonRaycaster

A raycasting engine made in Python using PyOpenGL
MIT License
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A Python raycasting engine made in openGL

This ia a simple python raycasting engine made in python. To run it, you must have Python3 and PyOpenGL.

Python can be installed from the website

To install PyOpenGL, you can go to the documentaion

Once both are ready and configured, download or clone and use python to run it.

Running the code

Once the program starts, you'll see 2 views : A 2D map with the player and all the rays, and a 3d, raycasted projection. Use WASD to move, and Q to teleport.

Playing with the code

The algorithm, though it may appear complex, is actually really simple and fast, and hence was used on many classic games like Wolfenstien 3D, to great effect on the limited hardware of the time. If you want to learn more about the algorithm, this guide is a excellant starting point.

In order to change the map, simploy edit the 64 element long world list. it is formatted so thet a 0 is a space and a 1 is a block.

