ASCIT / donut

The repository for Donut.
MIT License
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The repository for Donut. Written using Python/Flask and powered by MariaDB.

Setting up your environment



Unit Testing

Test Site

The easiest way to set up a test site is to use SSH port forwarding, so that requests to your local computer are forwarded to the development server. For example:

ssh -L 9000:localhost:5000 <host>

This will forward your local port 9000 so that visiting localhost:9000 on your local computer is equivalent to visiting localhost:5000 on the remote server. Flask's debugging environment defaults to port 5000, but you can change that in your file (multiple people cannot simultaneously bind to the same port through SSH port forwarding).

To start the test site:

python -e dev -p 50XX

You can visit the test site by going to localhost:9000 (or whichever port you decided to forward) in your local browser.

Development Workflow

  1. Create a new branch
  2. Create a PR
  3. After your PR approved and merged with master, you must refresh the server to update the site. After sshing, run
    cd /home/ascit/donut
    sudo git pull
    sudo apachectl restart