ASFHyP3 / hyp3-testing

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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HyP3 Testing

A package for automated system testing of HyP3 processes

Available system tests

System test post a set of jobs to both HyP3v2 production ( and test ( and compares them. It uses production HyP3v2 as the "golden" (aka baseline, reference) set for the comparison. All system test will check:

Golden TIF comparison

The Golden TIF comparison is used for HyP3 processes that produce GeoTIFFs in a zip-ed product directory. It takes a process name (e.g., rtc, insar) and posts a set jobs covering the range of available user options.

Currently, it additionally checks:

Golden autoRIFT comparison

The Golden autoRIFT comparison posts a set of four jobs covering both Greenland and Antarctica.

Currently, it additionally checks for each product:

Quickstart -- Using the manual GitHub actions

Navigate to the Actions panel on GitHub

Actions menu item

Select the workflow for any of the available system tests. For example, the "Golden TIFs" test

Golden RTC workflow

Open the "Run workflow" dropdown, provide any required inputs, and click run workflow

Golden RTC workflow

You will see a new workflow start in that workflows list, and you can watch its progress by selecting it. For Golden TIFs, it will take ~0.5 hours for an RTC comparison, and ~1.5 hours for an InSAR comparison. Tests that pass will be marked with a green check, and tests that fail will be marked with a red x.

When viewing details of the test, look at "Pytest in conda environment" step in the "golden" job

Golden RTC workflow

Local testing and development

To do local testing and development, clone this repository to your system and navigate to the repository

git clone
cd hyp3-testing

Setup a test environment

A HyP3 Testing environment can be setup via Anaconda/Miniconda using the provided environment.yml:

conda env create -f environment.yml

which will create a hyp3-testing conda environment. Once created, you can activate it like:

conda activate hyp3-testing

Then, install the development version of the hyp3_testing package into the environment

python -m pip install -e .[develop]

Running the unit tests

To ensure your environment is setup correctly, run the unit tests for hyp3_testing

pytest -m "not golden"

Note: system tests are marked "golden" and are extremely long running. This command skips the system tests

manually running the system tests

Because the system tests are particularly lon running, it is preferred to not run them all at once. you can run the individual test you want by pointing directly to the test file. For example, run the Golden RTC test like:

pytest tests/

You also can, if you really want to, run all the golden tests like

pytest -m golden

Customizing the system tests

Sometimes you might not to run through the entire workflow, or re-use and old submission. We provide a couple options to pytest to help.