ASHUVINAYAK1 / form-bugged

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Bugs in Form Implementation

1. All Fields Should be Required


The form does not enforce the required attribute for all fields, allowing users to submit the form without filling in all required fields.

Expected Behavior:

All form fields should be marked as required, ensuring that users cannot submit the form without providing information for each field.

Actual Behavior:

Users can submit the form without filling in all required fields.

2. Email Should Contain Email Format


The email field in the form does not validate the input to ensure it matches the email format.

Expected Behavior:

The email field should validate user input to ensure it matches the standard email format (e.g., "").

Actual Behavior:

Users can input any text into the email field, even if it does not resemble a valid email address.

3. Phone Number Should Only Take Number as Input


The phone number field in the form does not restrict input to numeric characters only.

Expected Behavior:

The phone number field should accept only numeric characters, ensuring that users cannot input non-numeric characters such as letters or symbols.

Actual Behavior:

Users can input non-numeric characters into the phone number field.

4. Data Should be Stored in Local Storage After Clicking Submit


The form does not save the submitted data to local storage.

Expected Behavior:

Upon submitting the form, the entered data should be saved to local storage, allowing it to persist even if the page is refreshed or closed.

Actual Behavior:

The submitted data is not saved to local storage.

5. Toast Should Appear When Submit Button Clicked


Clicking the submit button does not trigger the Toast.

Expected Behavior:

Clicking the submit button should initiate Toast.

Actual Behavior:

The submit button does not trigger Toast.