ASU-CompMethodsPhysics-PHY494 / final-2017-bogus_project

final-2017-bogus_project created by GitHub Classroom
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ASU PHY 494 Final Project

For your Final Project you have to:

  1. fulfill the objectives that you defined in your Proposal (add your proposal.pdf to the repository under docs);
  2. collaborate as a team;
  3. use the Wiki to keep a "lab notebook" for the project;
  4. present the work as a poster;
  5. individually explain various aspects of the work in a Q&A in front of the poster.

For an overview over the requirements see docs/final_overview.pdf.

Team repository

You will be working in your private repository to which only your team has access. Your instructor will send you a link to automatically set up this repository (services provided by Classroom for GitHub).

Your private team repository should be named final-2017-PROJECT-TITLE.

Updating the Team repository

In order to pull in changes and updates from the Final Project repository, run the script:


Directory layout
