ASinanSaglam / BNG_vscode_extension

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BioNetGen VSCode extension

This is a VSCode language extension for BioNetGen modelling language.



To use the run and plot buttons the default terminal you are using needs to have Perl installed as well as BioNetGen commmand line interface installed (you can do so with 'pip install -i bionetgen'). Current required version of the CLI is 0.2.6. Please note that both of these tools are in active early development and is subject to sweeping changes.

Known Issues

Some highlighting issues

Some plotting issues

Please submit an issue here if you find one.


The extension can be found in the marketplace as "BioNetGen Language".

You can also clone the repo and place it under your VSCode extensions folder or you can use it in debug mode:

  1. Download VSCode from
  2. Open VSCode and open a new terminal
    • Terminal -> New Terminal, or
    • control + ~
  3. In the terminal, run this line: git clone to clone the repo in the desired directory
  4. File -> Open to open the repo folder (BNG_vscode_extension)
  5. To run the extension,
    • Run -> Start Debugging, or
    • F5 which will open up a new window running the extension
  6. Open an existing .bngl file or create a new .bngl file

Notes and tips:

Release Notes

No releases yet, current working version is 0.3.3. The extension currently supports mostly functional highlighting, various snippets, a run button that requires BioNetGen command line interface (you can get it here) and very basic both via the command line interface as well as built-in plotting that uses Plotly for .gdat/.cdat/.scan files.