AUTOMATICxx / genderdetector

Get gender from first name in ruby.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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= Gender Detector {Build Status}[]

This is a fork of a gem named SexMachine by Brian Muller.

This version is changed in a way that it won't output discriminating results anymore.

This gem uses the underlying data from the program "gender" by Jorg Michael (described {here}[]). Its use is pretty straightforward:

require 'genderdetector' d = d.get_gender("Bob") :andy d.get_gender("Sally") :andy d.get_gender("Pauley") # should be androgynous :andy

The result will be one of andy (androgynous), male, female, mostly_male, or mostly_female. Any unknown names are considered andies.

I18N is fully supported:

d.get_gender("Álfrún") :andy

Additionally, you can give preference to specific countries:

d.get_gender("Jamie") => :andy d.get_gender("Jamie", :great_britain) => :andy

If you have an alterative data file, you can pass that in as an optional filename argument to the Detector. Additionally, you can create a detector that is not case sensitive (default is to be case sensitive):

d = => false) d.get_gender "sally" => :andy d.get_gender "Sally" => :andy

Try to avoid creating many Detectors, as each creation means reading in the data file.

= Licenses The genderator code is distributed under the GPLv3. The data file nam_dict.txt is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.