AWMC / geodata

The geodata collection of the Ancient World Mapping Center in GeoJSON format.
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
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AWMC Data in GeoJSON

One of the goals of the Ancient World Mapping Center (AWMC) is to provide freely accessable, highly accurate geospatial data for the ancient world. To facilitate this endeavor and support the linked data community, the AWMC will use this space on GitHub to offer our current working data set. Expect to see further enhancements and developments as we refine our old files and integrate new data sets into our work.

Directory Format

Cultural Data contains data on aqueducts, roads, regional names, and other human-made and imagined features.

Physical Data contains information on coastlines, inland water, river lines, and other similar features.

The "Shapefiles" zip-folders contain archived copies of all AWMC geospatial data in ESRI shapefile format, for ease of use in ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, and other ESRI software. The shapefiles zip-folders will be updated periodically as AWMC makes substantial revisions and expansions--however, the GeoJSONs continue to provide the most up-to-date data.


Ryan Horne and Gabe Moss are currently the primary contributors to this repository. A full list of our contributors can be found here:


The GeoJson files are offered under the ODC Open Database License ( Data is derived from the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, and uses AWMC modifications to OpenStreetMap (, which is under the ODC Open Database License.