AY1920S1-CS2113-T13-2 / main

Dukepital - A program that helps nurses manage their tasks and patients' data more efficiently.
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Dukpital an application intended for nurses within hospitals—particularly nurses with many patients under their care. Users will be able to navigate the program through either the GUI or CLI, according to their own preferences.

Dukepital’s purpose is to provide an organizational tool for these users, allowing them to categorize tasks/information based on their patients. This encourages timeliness and higher quality of provided care.



  1. Install Java 8
  2. Download the latest release

Getting Started

You may launch the program by

  1. Double clicking the downloaded jar file, or
  2. run command java -jar <file name>.jar .

User Guide

Click here for the detailed user guide


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
