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triton/apps/llms: Adding a new page about LMMs #680

Closed simo-tuomisto closed 6 months ago

simo-tuomisto commented 7 months ago

This PR will add a new page about LLMs.

Currently it contains information about the module system we have for different models.

YuTian8328 commented 7 months ago

I have added example scripts for each model format. The first and the third example involves too many fils, so I was thinking to add some links to refer users to the repo https://github.com/AaltoSciComp/llm-examples for the complete examples.

rkdarst commented 6 months ago

(I had typed this a few days ago but forgot to press 'send'):

My recommendation:

I was talking to someone today who was very interested in using local LLMs for data which couldn't be sent to the internet. Their use case would be "start some python code, load the model, be able to send prompts (I guess both the system prompt and the user prompt) to the model in a loop to have it classify all of the data." Maybe this is a second round, but I'd try to make that more obvious from the page (maybe it's done in the examples, or one of the examples on the page does it, but I'm not sure which one since I don't know the codes that are using it.)

hsnfirooz commented 6 months ago

@YuTian8328 I believe there are some typos here which I marked with the comments. Should I fix them or do you want to do it yourself?

YuTian8328 commented 6 months ago

Thank you, Hossein. Those have been fixed in commit bf72254aeaf1210f9929ce9409b5feeb95aedb77, please let me know if anything else I need to modify.

hsnfirooz commented 6 months ago

Thank you, Hossein. Those have been fixed in commit bf72254, please let me know if anything else I need to modify.

Thanks for considering the changes. There is only one small typo left which I fixed :)