AaltoSciComp / scicomp-docs

Aalto scientific computing guide: former Triton user guide + more info
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About this site

These docs originally came from the Triton User Guide, but now serves as a general Aalto scientific computing guide. The intention is a good central resources for researchers, kept up to date by the whole community. Many parts are useful to the broader world, too. We encourage the community and world to all contribute when they see a need.

Sphinx <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/>__ is a static site generator - you can build the site on your own computer and browse the HTML. It's automatically built and hosted by ReadTheDocs, but you don't need to mess with that part. Github will validate basic syntax in pull requests.

.. seealso::

:doc:/tech/sphinx-docs for an overview about how and why it's set up like this.


We welcome contributions via normal Github open source practices: send us a pull request.

This documentation is Open Source (CC-BY 4.0), and we welcome contributions from the community. The project is run on Github in the repository AaltoSciComp/scicomp-docs <https://github.com/AaltoSciComp/scicomp-docs>__.

To contribute, you can always use the normal Github contribution mechanisms: make a pull request, issues, or comments. If you are at Aalto, you can also get direct write access. Make a github issue, then contact us in person/by email for us to confirm.

https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-your-work-on-github/managing-your-work-with-issues

The worst contribution is one that isn't made. Don't worry about making things perfect: send your improvement and someone can improve the syntax/writing/etc as needed. This is also true for formatting errors - if you can't do ReStructudedText perfectly, just do your best (and pretend it's markdown because all the basics are similar).

When you submit a change, there is continuous testing that will notify you of errors, so that you can make changes with confidence: "wiki rules: deploy and iterate" rather than "perfect before merge".

Contributing gives agreement to use content under the licenses (CC-BY 4.0 or CC0 for examples).

Requirements and building

.. highlight:: console

Set up the environment first (example, but do as you'd like). The basic requirements are sphinx and sphinx_rtd_theme` which are also in Ubuntu: (python-sphinxandpython-sphinx-rtd-theme``)::

$ python3 -m venv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can build it locally to test::

$ make html $ sphinx-autobuild . _build/html/ # starts web server that automatically updates $ make clean check # Full rebuild and warn of important errors

HTML output is in _build/html/index.html.


In short: find an example page and copy. To add sections, add a new page in a subfolder. In order to appear in the sidebar, it has to be linked from a toctree directive. Check nearby index.rst pages and add there.

Recommended pages for copying:

Most common missed quirks

ReStructured text

ReStructured Text is similar to markdown for basics, but has a more strictly defined syntax and more higher level structure. This allows more semantic markup, more power to compile into different formats (since there isn't embedded HTML), and advanced things like indexing, permanent references, etc.

Restructured text quick reference <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html> and home <https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html>.

Note: Literal inline text uses ` instead of a single (second works but gives warning).

A very quick guide is below.

Inline syntax

``Inline code/monospace``, *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**


   ``Inline code/monospace``, *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**

Literal blocks, code highlighting

Literal blocks (= code blocks) use :: and are intended:


Literal block Literal block



 Literal block
 Literal blocks

Block quotes can also start with paragraph ending in double colon, like this::

Block quote


Block quotes can also start with paragraph ending in double colon, like this::

   Block quote

If you define a highlight language, it will be used as the default highlight language for every block::

.. highlight:: python

Use Python for python. Use console for console commands, and include the $ before the commands. The $ won't be selectable so copy-and-paste works well.

Internal page links

Linking internally.  If possible use a permanent reference (next
section), but you can also refer to specific files by name.  Note,
that for internal links there are no trailing underscores.  Internal
links can get their text from the target.  Internal links are the
``:doc:`` domain::


  With different text: :doc:`Text <../tut/interactive.rst>`

Internal reference links

Internal links: ReST permanent references across files <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#role-ref>__.

Label things this way (note only one colon)::

.. _label-name:

Reference them this way::

:ref:label-name (recommended) label-name (short, don't use, no warning if link breaks) Text <label-name> (short, don't use, no warning if link breaks)

URL links

Inline `link <https://www.python.org>`__, or
anonymous__, or
separate_, or
`different text <separate_>`_ links.
Trailing underscores indicate links.  Note there should be two
underscores for the raw links.

__ https://www.python.org

.. _separate: https://www.python.org


    Inline `link <https://www.python.org>`__, or
    anonymous__, or
    separate_, or
    `different text <separate_>`_ links.
    Trailing underscores indicate links.

    __ https://www.python.org

    .. _separate: https://www.python.org

Admonitions: notes, warnings, etc.

Notes, warnings, etc.

.. note::

This is a note.

.. warning::

This is a warning.

.. admonition:: Admonition directives have titles.

This has misc text.

.. admonition:: Dropdown can be clicked to expand. :class: dropdown

When it's not important for everyone to see. :class: dropdown sets a CSS class which gets interpreted in the HTML.


.. note::

This is a note.

.. warning::

This is a warning.

.. admonition:: Admonition directives have titles.

 This has misc text.

.. admonition:: Dropdown can be clicked to expand. :class: dropdown

 When it's not important for everyone to see.  ``:class: dropdown``
 sets a CSS class which gets interpreted in the HTML.


Indexing isn't currently used.


   .. index:: commit; amend

   .. index::
      commit; message
      pair: commit; amend


   :index:`loop variables <pair: commit; amend>`