AaltoSciComp / scicomp-docs

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Updating anaconda -> scicomp-python-env in triton documentation #706

Closed tpfau closed 1 month ago

tpfau commented 2 months ago

This is a PR that will update references to anaconda to scicomp-python-env.

NOTE: Please do not merge before Triton v3 is in production NOTE2: This PR does NOT update references to anaconda in the non triton specific instructions of the doc, since those also refer to workstations etc. We should probably work towards harmonization here, i.e. having the workstations (and thus aalto linux) be set up to use a new module, otherwise we start getting out of sync.

rkdarst commented 2 months ago

Can you also update the cheatsheets (findable as a link in google drive)?

rkdarst commented 2 months ago

Should we do this now?