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Aalto scientific computing guide: former Triton user guide + more info
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page triton/usage/faq: more concrete example for getting information about runtime of jobs #707

Open annariha opened 2 months ago

annariha commented 2 months ago

In my opinion, it is a bit confusing that the code example squeue -h -j -o %L in the FAQ on "How can I find out the remaining runtime of my job/allocation?" is just printing out the remaining runtimes for all (?) current jobs without any identifiers or additional information. Maybe such an example is provided somewhere else in the docs. If yes, I think it would be great to link it here. If not, I think that this is not a really clear answer to the question since it does not show, for example, how to filter output of squeue such that it would provide the information on a specific job/allocation.