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rsync installation script is outdated #710

Open Daniel217D opened 1 month ago

Daniel217D commented 1 month ago

Script on this page is outdated. It contains expired links. Here is the script with the corrected links:

# This Script assumes to be run within git-bash!
# We first switch to the home directory-
# create the users bin and lib folders if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/lib
# create a emporary installation folder
mkdir tempinstall
cd tempinstall
# Download zstd
curl -LSs https://github.com/facebook/zstd/releases/download/v1.5.0/zstd-v1.5.0-win64.zip -o zstd.zip
# Unzip zstd and copy it to an executable folder
unzip zstd.zip
# move zstd to the binary folder and delete the local copy
cp -r zstd-v1.5.0-win64/* ../bin
rm -rf zstd*
# Download rsync
curl -LSs  http://repo.msys2.org/msys/x86_64/rsync-3.2.3-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst -o rsync.tar.zst
# Download required libraries for rsync
curl -LSs http://repo.msys2.org/msys/x86_64/libzstd-1.5.2-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst -o libzstd.tar.zst
curl -LSs http://repo.msys2.org/msys/x86_64/libxxhash-0.8.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst -o libxxhash.tar.zst
# Extract downloaded packages
tar -I zstd -xvf rsync.tar.zst
tar -I zstd -xvf libzstd.tar.zst
tar -I zstd -xvf libxxhash.tar.zst
cp -r usr/bin/* ~/bin
cp -r usr/lib/* ~/lib
cd ..
rkdarst commented 1 week ago

When someone was testing this, we found that libopenssl was also needed:

curl -LSs http://repo.msys2.org/msys/x86_64/libopenssl-1.1.1.s-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst -o libopenssl.tar.zst
tar -I zstd -xvf libopenssl.tar.zst